Monday, December 4, 2017

Three Dog Night

Happy Monday to you all! I hope your weekend activities helped usher in December! We had a very relaxing weekend, a birthday party Saturday night which was wonderful; yesterday was good-just the gym to work out and then home- I'm thankful because my week is jam packed with parties and activities. Yesterday we had our two grandpups over the the day, Carrie and her family were going down to Denver to attend a KLove Christmas concert. Hunter is in heaven when Lily and Copper are here. Copper will be two in January and has mellowed out a lot. She has the sweetest temperament and the only time I've seen her get feisty is when she has a bone or chewy.
You may notice that the throw pillows on the other couch are laying flat-Copper was up there with the other dogs playing.  Lily loves any lap where there is room. Notice the quilt that Lily is on-I made this for hubby ten years ago when we moved here.  It's getting so worn out, but he loves it because it is so warm.

Finally, the three settled down and went to sleep.  Hunter looks scruffy due to the fact that Copper and Lily just got groomed. You can see how close Hunter is to Copper-they all snuggle up together, so cute.  The dogs ended up staying the night and have already gone home; it's very quiet here now.
Today I'm off to the Quilt Guild Christmas luncheon, it should be so fun.  Tonight hubby and I have a fancy Christmas Dinner/Dance to go to, hosted by our financial guy.  He goes all out for his clients and we love it.  The only issue is that I don't do fancy and trying to find something to wear was so hard.  I'm sure there will be those over the top, but I don't believe in going out to buy something I won't wear again.
Hubby is already off to Home De*ot, our washing machine has been machine a terrible noise-telling us it is off balance, so yesterday we watched a youtube video on how to determine what was wrong and took the front and top off and found out that two of the Balance supports needed to be replaced.  I'm praying that is all that is was; our set we bought from the old owner of our house and it's 10 years old.  I hope we have a couple more years from the set.
Joy to you!
Noreen, Hunter, Lily and Copper


  1. What darling dogs. I recently read a book I liked "A Three Dog Life", which your post title reminded me of.

  2. A three dog night is always fun here:)

    Hope the machine repair went well.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. What a lovely weekend and a nice night it sounds like you have in store, Noreen. Yes, "dressing up".... I liked it much better when I was playing as a little girl. I don't like it one bit now. But I know you will look wonderful, regardless of what you wear, and will have a grand time. And I hope you can fix your washing machine. It sounds like your Mr. Fix-It has it all under control. :-) Blessings~ Andrea xoxo

  4. Nothing worse than a washer or dryer having issues! It is good to see Moose Copper!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14