Sunday, August 31, 2008
An Old Rugged Cross
Friday, August 29, 2008
On Eagles Wings

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Whisperin' Waters

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Looking Heavenward
This morning as I read one of my favorite blogs, Holy Experience, Ann quoted St.Teresa of Avila. This quote touched me for two reasons; firstly my parents choose my middle name after this Woman of God and it touched me mostly for the prayer it is.
"Let your desire be the vision of God,
Your fear the loss of Him,
Your sorrow His absence,
and your joy in that which may take you to Him,
and your life shall be in great peace."
So today Lord, may I find my true pleasure in You. May I hunger for more of Your Presence. May my words and actions and heart attitudes be an extension of Your life in me. Amen.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Simple Woman's Day Monday 8/25/08

Outside My Window...I am seeing bright blue sky filled with sunshine. Our days are showing signs of the changing season and the crisp morning air and cooler evenings. We were not living in Colorado last fall so it should be fun to experience all that is different from California.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Walking each day, taking new pic's to post and spending time enjoying life in Colorado. I will also be packing for our trip to Bear Lake.
Here is picture thought I am sharing- Last March we found this bridge along the highway to the volcano on the island of Hawaii. It was tucked back, almost hidden from sight and we pondered how many native peoples traversed it when fleeing from the lava flow. We love finding hidden treasures amongst the landscape and I love to wonder what type of person walked this way before.
Go on over to the Simple Woman blog and visit...she has great posts.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Funtastic Friday
We finally found the estate sale and were very disappointed but then turned our car in the direction of the park. We don't take this girl out to the park enough and she had a great time.
After quite awhile we were able to go grocery shopping by bribing her with the "race car"shopping cart. She was such a good helper with a great attitude...and anyone who has a 3 yr old knows how challenging grocery stores can be with a child in tow.
We returned to our daughter's house and hubby departed with groceries. I was able to help with lunch and get them all settled for a nice nap.
This afternoon I am hoping to make a peach cobbler for a get together tomorrow evening. I'm using Colorado peaches, better known as Palisade peaches and can't wait to get started on it.
So my day has been full of fun things and spending time with some of my favorite group; I am hoping to spend time with the the other grandchildren today as well.
Oh yes, it has been very windy here today and it feels like fall is definitely in the air. It should be fun to experience fall in Colorado and venture to the high country to see the Aspens change.
Have a joyous weekend and don't forget to take time to Worship the King!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A Joyful Spirit
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Hidden From Sight
Monday, August 18, 2008
True Devotion
Friday, August 15, 2008
My favorite colors
Purple and green are some of my absolute favorite colors, especially purple. I have one quilt in the same color family that hangs in our guest room; I wanted it to evoke a warm, restful feeling for family and friends visiting. This fabric was purchased at Wine Country Quilt Show several years ago along with the pattern and it was stashed away until I had time. The last year or so I decided I couldn't purchase any more patterns or fabric until I had made some up that I already had. So viola...I got this together last week and I love it plus it goes perfectly with my larger quilt that adorns our guest room. I must have been on a purple kick that year, maybe two, because I have more purple fabric in my stash; different hues-dark burgundy and grape fabric but I am still determined to finish those projects I bought so long ago. Someday I'll have more wall space to use up but for now I need to get fabric for the back of this and start hand quilting it. I have three other quilts downstairs that also need hand quilting but fall and winter will be here soon and that will give me projects to work on.
Everyone should have a project or hobby; I sometimes think I am one of God's unfinished projects-still a work in progress and a work in grace. I'm so thankful He continues to grow me and teach me.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Glory of God

We have been told that our weather this year has been unusual for Windsor but I think the entire country is having different weather. Each night the storm clouds roll in and we watch in awe at the lightning. I love it but truly feel for my dogs and other animals that are terrified by thunder.
What a glorious sky and world our Lord gave us to enjoy.
Enjoy your little spot of heaven today.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Family Fun
One of the greatest joys in my life is family! John and I are blessed to spend time with our daughters and their families, just enjoying eachothers company. John would tell you that he is the luckiest grandpa around because he has our first grandson named after him and then Ben, the second grandson, was born on John's birthday. Talk about ties. Our family moves as one unit generally speaking; we all moved from Ca. to Co., we travel together and just hang out and have fun together. Many folks think this is odd and say we should cut the apron strings but we wouldn't have it any other way and either would our kids and grandkids. I hope we are sewing into their lives character, faith and love of family. This is the inheritance we hope to leave: a deep sense of who they are and where they came from and how much they are loved! Each child is a special gift from heaven and I praise the Lord for each new blessing that comes our way.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Friday Fun
So today dear hubby and I ventured out for the summer barn sale, looking for antiques(the mailer promised!)and anything else that might catch our eye. Actually, hubby has been looking for old barn wood to build tables with and hasn't yet found any. It was good to go back to her barn and check out her new purchases but we came away empty handed. There were a lot of rustic furniture such as cupboards, which I probably could have used in my quilt room, to store fabric in, however we are retired and I try to be more frugal about buying "things" I don't need.There were many old quilts but I choose to pass on those too, I like creating my own.
We met some new friends, that used to live in our town in Ca., for lunch and it was great visiting with them.
This morning was cloudy and somewhat cool with thunderstorms predicted but then the sun started shining and the sky was clear. This afternoon it is again cloudy, with thunderclouds and looks like it could storm. Wednesday eve we had quite a storm here, we were on a tornado and flash flood watch. The town of Greeley, east of us, got 2.5" of rain in 30 minutes. Glad we didn't have quite that much, I wonder if we'll have heavy rains tonight. Tomorrow we are going to a Rockies baseball game in Denver and I hope it isn't cold and rainy.
We also talked to a friend who has a ski cabin in Steamboat Springs, where we are headed next weekend, and got some great tips for places to see and things to do. I'm excited about visiting a new area of Colorado and will hopefully find some wonderful shots of wildlife.
Oh yes, our geese have returned to our nearby lake. It must be signaling that fall is approaching.
Have a blessed weekend!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Gratitude Journal
~I am thankful for the news that our weather this year is unusual and that there aren't usually tornado watches with severe stormss that occur. I am also thankful that no tornados formed, last night and that the dogs survived the three hour thunder storm.
~I am thankful for the proximity of our grandsons and their coming over to visit and hang out.
~I am thankful for one grandson who loves animals and reminds me of myself when I was a child. I am thankful for Sadie dog loving him and allowing him to lay down next to her.
~I am thankful for blue skies today with lots of clouds but so far no thunder.
~I am so thankful for time spent with my grandkids!
~I am thankful for the fact that although we have huge!!!! spiders(just so you don't think I'm kidding-look up Wolf Spiders on the internet)we aren't plagued by rattlesnakes or roof rats like we had in CA.
~I am thankful for a Heavenly Father that sees all our needs and desires and meets them according to the riches of His inheritance.
~I am thankful for new opportunities each day; tomorrow we are going to a barn sale and then meeting friends for lunch.
~I am thankful that I don't need to worry about tomorrow for today has enough worries of its own.
~I am thankful that I am saved by grace and walking by faith.
~Lastly I am thankful we live in a time where we have technology to enable us to communicate with others around the world.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Who Me???Couldn't Be
After talking to the teacher, I decided that I would go and see if I could do any moves at all. I knew my girlfriend would be there and she assured me that it was mainly just stretching exercises. I was pleasantly surprised because it was just that, a lot of stretches and extensions but no "eastern"influences at all. I do not have the flexibility that I had 30 years ago and I couldn't move like the other gals but it was relaxing and I enjoyed the company. I even got a head and neck massage at the end and was able to really focus on my Lord during this time. Plus the best part was that it was free! I could definitely feel some parts of my back this afternoon and it will be interesting to see how sore I am during the next few days. I agreed to go back next week again but my body will tell me yes or no. One of my husbands favorite expressions is "his mind is still 20 something while his body is 56", it will be interesting to see if that holds true for me. Trying this also made me realize I shouldn't automatically rule exercise out if I haven't tried it. I'm sure there will be more to this story as time goes on; who knows it might even help me get in better shape. I still like walking the best but this might be something for winter.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
For The Love Of A Game
Monday, August 4, 2008
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all. Each little flower that opens, Each little bird that sings, He made their glowing colors, He made their tiny wings. The tall trees in the greenwood, The meadows where we play, The rushes by the water, We gather every day. He gave us eyes to see them, And lips that we might tell, How great is God Almighty, Who has made all things well.
From: Maker of Heaven and Earth by Cecil Frances Alexander
Today is Monday and as I pondered this day I realized there were many new "firsts" this week. Saturday John and I went on a 10 mile bike ride along Poudre Creek openspace. It was beautiful and still early enough in the day to make it comfortable. Saturday evening our entire gang went to our local county fair. This was such a fun adventure, our first county fair in Colorado, and it was free. Smaller in comparison to other fairs in California but filled with wonder for the children. We even got to watch a woman's competition barrel racing and this brought back memories of my youngest daughters enjoyment of trying this. I'm thankful that my girls had the privledge of learning how to ride and care for horses. My oldest grandson wanted to know if I had entered a quilt and when I said no, he told me I should next year. Out of the mouths of babes. Today, my daughter Kim, had a prenatal check up and got the o.k. to go to Steamboat Springs with the family for a weekend. I am so thankful that she wasn't put on bed rest. While she was at the doctor's, Carrie&her gang, Kim's two daughters and I went on a walk. Although we have seen wild bunnies in other neighborhoods, I was blessed this day to see one in a neighbor's yard. I know that I wouldn't be so happy if I had a large garden and it was partaking of my vegetables but I am still in awe that we live a place where we see Prairie Dogs, Bunnies, Fox, Eagles and that we can be in the mountains,within an hour, seeing Elk, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Goats and the promise of Moose. It is the little things that bring joy to my life. Also on our walk I looked down and saw this beautiful Dragonfly and although it was dead the boys enjoyed my gathering it up for them to examine more closely. I am thankful for the changing weather here, we have had 22 days of 90+ heat but often have light rain in the afternoon. I am still trying to be thankful for the thunder that terrifies one of our dogs and I'm thankful that the other dog is getting a bit deaf and doesn't freak like he used to. I am so grateful that I'm able to stay home and help our daughters out, wear shorts and go barefoot most of the time. That's the country girl in me! There are so many things to be grateful for each day, so often we are in too much of a hurry to stop and look around, seeing with clarity all that life blesses us with.
Look around your world today and be blessed.