As I've looked at several of my favorite blogs today I see many are posting on their lives in '08. With that in mind I decided to review all the blessings we've experienced over the last year.
'08 marked our first full year here and so I am rejoicing in living in beautiful Colorado.
January marked our first full month of living here and adjusting to living and driving in snow country.
The beauty of the Rockies and fresh snow thrills me.
February we hosted a young college gal who needed temporary housing; it was fun to see life through her eyes. My dear prayer pal and friend came out to dog sit at her brother's so we spent a lot of time together over three weeks. In fact, I helped whelp one of his 16 dogs-a first for me.
March was the month we headed out to one of our favorite vacation areas-the Islands to meet dear hubby's golfing buddies. He's a snow bird at heart, actually maybe he's Hawaiian at heart because he'd much rather live there than here. Grandkids and daughters are here(plus son-in-laws)so this is home base. Plenty of trips to the Islands are planned for the future.
April came and went, celebrating two granddaughter's birthdays and hosting my brother and his wife~our favorite family members. Some of our closest friends also came for a visit~one of many.
May found dear hubby driving back to Reno for a golf tournament and then getting his brother in California for a visit here. While he was driving home we experienced our first and hopefully only tornado. We only had damage to our windows, fences and vehicles and thankfully didn't loose our homes; having said that I still prefer these to earthquakes.
June was another month of travel and also of dear friends visiting. We went back to beautiful Yosemite and met friends there. I had forgotten how beautiful the monument can be and also remembered what a long drive back to California it is.
July and August found us camping and exploring new areas of Colorado and also of Utah with our girls.
September welcomed a precious new granddaughter into our lives. Delaney Aliana was born at the end of the month, right before her sweet cousin Faith's birthday. My brother and sister-in-law also came back out for a visit.
October was marked with lots of family birthdays and also beginning preparations for a hand made Christmas.
November and December found us decorating for the holidays and also seriously beginning our search for a home. Our home in California still is leased, due to the housing market but time has come for us to find someplace here to settle into for a few years until California's real estate increases in value.
All in all we've made wonderful friends here and are loving the life we have. Being able to actively help our daughter's and their families and spend time with all the grandkids makes our lives much richer. We are so blessed by love lovingkindness of the Lord and by rich blessings He bestows to us.
May the Lord bless you and keep you as we enter this New Year.
Happy New Year's from our home to yours.
Scripture Sunday
3 hours ago