Friday, October 31, 2008
A Fun Filled Friday
Two of the young men are brothers and still in high school and will be with us until Wed. and the other fellow is a bit older, from Australia and will be staying with us for three weeks. Today I started off a little slower than normal due to the late night but once I got to my youngest girls house we began running errands. I could actually tell her I understood, in a limited way, how sleep deprivation is so hard on moms. Having a month old baby as well as a child with GERD who doesn't sleep all night has drained my girl of her normal energy. As we drove on our errands we just put on the Praise music and sang our hearts out and that lifted our spirits in a way nothing else can do.
Later this afternoon our oldest daughter had to take their 10 mos old in for shots so while dear hubby did wood working with their two boys I got to play with their puppy Lily. She was such a bundle of energy at 4 mos old but finally she tired herself out and dozed in the sun. I read and even closed my eyes a bit until my girl got home. Tonight we will be answering the door to give the children treats and then getting to bed at a reasonable hour; having said that I wouldn't change a thing about my day except maybe go to our church service tonight and sing some more worship songs.
What a glorious life! May you be blessed with those things that make you happiest.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I love knowing that I need not fret about tomorrow, for tomorrow can take care of itself. Yesterday I was reading a devotional that was from a book I have in my library entitled, "Keep A Quiet Heart" by Elisabeth Elliot. I don't read it on a regular basis but saw a quote from the book that stirred in my heart. She was quoting from Martin Luther "He who believes in God is not careful for the morrow, [that means not worried about tomorrow]but labors joyfully and with a great heart. "For He giveth His beloved, as in sleep'. They must work and watch, yet never be careful or anxious, but commit all to Him, and live in serene tranquility, and with a quiet heart, as one who sleeps safely and quietly."
In today's current economic and political state of unrest, many are fretting and yet all the worrying in the world will not change what happens tomorrow. May we learn to keep a quiet heart and be steadfast in spirit.
Lord, help us to trust in You, and not be anxious for anything but in everything by prayer and supplication let our requests be made known to You. Amen.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Things that make you smile
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Country Life
Monday, October 27, 2008
Family Heirlooms
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Now, that isn't to say that sometimes somewhere along the line children make wrong choices and live lives that are difficult to behold; but I truly believe this is the highest calling a woman can have.
I recently read a quote by Sally Clarkson on Touching Your Child's Heart and my thoughts resounded in it.
"The mission of motherhood is strategic in providing the next generation with wholehearted, emotionally healthy, and spiritually alive adults. It is not simply a lifestyle choice. It is a divine calling that will indeed affect eternity."
-- From "The Mission of Motherhood - Touching Your Child's Heart for Eternity" by Sally Clarkson.
Just because my daughters are grown does not mean my job is necessarily over, and my joy is that I get to watch as my daughter's take the torch and rear their children in the Lord.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Beauty to Behold
Thursday, October 23, 2008
My Girl
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Puppy Kisses
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A Call To Pray
Thank you all so much.
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Beauty of His Creation
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Denver Zoo
A wagon full of young Pioneers. John, Ben and Faith.
Fun with Friends
After we were finished hiking we drove to Loveland and went to an art gallery called "The Master's" fine art of Loveland. This was an incredible collection of photos, bronze sculptors, weavings, paintings etc. The owner Linda King is a master story teller as well as artist and she had us captivated by the stories she wove about the works. In fact, as she showed us a collection of photos(exquisite in themselves) she pointed to a sunset and remarked how the Master's Hand was there in this masterpiece. Then she pointed to an open book with glasses, and again said here His Hand is apparent in His written Word; lastly she pointed to a picture of a newborns' feet and exclaimed His Hand was here too in the creation of His Son. Her eloquence and descriptions almost had the visitors in the audience in tears and then she pointed to each of us and proclaimed that we were each His Masterpiece, created in His Love and image and that He had gifted us all with artist abilities. Linda spent the next hour or so taking us through each room of the gallery pointing out various bits of info about the works displayed. There were so many wonderful pieces of art that I would have purchased, if I had the resources, but I plan to go back and visit again. If you are ever in the Loveland area, make sure you get to the gallery~you won't be sorry.
My friends and I called it a day after our visit there and I can honestly say they tired me out. But what a fun way to spend an afternoon.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for good wholesome movies, like Little House on the Prairie, that hubby and I watched with four of the grandkids last night. I am thankful for a healthy body and being able to go on walks while our weather is nice. I am thankful for the ability to sit down and quilt Christmas presents for each family and for the enjoyment I get in the making as well as in the giving. I am thankful for hubby's abilities with wood and his teaching grandsons to work with their hands. But above all else, I am thankful for Love that transcends this life, this world. I am thankful to Jesus, my Lord, for His great love poured out on me, saving me. I am thankful that His Grace is sufficient for me, His Strength is made perfect in my weakness. There is so much to be grateful for each and every day~we shouldn't just wait for November to give thanks. What are you thankful for today?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
One of my favorite painters is Thomas Kinkade and over the years loved ones have blessed me with his books as well. I was looking over one and saw something he said and it is so true.
"Decide that joy is the hue you want your heart to be. Then start making the little and large choices that over time will paint your heart happy."
There are times in our lives though that no matter how much you try to cultivate joy, the hardships seem to choke out anything but despair. In this world of chaos, in desperate times with the economy plummeting, cancer striking those near and dear, true Joy comes from One Source only...Jesus. When all else is uncertain we can truly lean upon Him and find true joy.
"These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full". John 15:11
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Puppy Love
This is the little bundle of fluff that my daughters' family adopted this last Sat. At 12 weeks of age, she is showing signs of being trained quickly and easily. The grandkids all adore her and I know that once she is completely house trained, she will be sleeping with the children. Yesterday I ran across the street, just to check on her adjustment, and the oldest wanted to know if I was going to be coming over every day to see her. As much as I'd like, I will restrain myself-or at least limit my visits to every couple of days. I can see there won't be any problems with our dog sitting her when the family goes away. Just have to make sure my two dogs feel the same way.
Monday, October 13, 2008
A New Little Fluff Ball
They've named her Lily and she has already become a loved little pup. It is always so much fun to have a puppy around and this little lady will be well loved. I am so thankful that I am just across the street and can go visit whenever I want. My own two dogs have not met her yet, she is a bit small but the time will come when she'll come over for visits. I tried to get some pic's the other night but she was playing and I couldn't get any good shots. I will be posting pic's of her, I'm sure. What a wonderful way to spend the weekend.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Family Fun Night
"Grandpa, lets play a game" says Ben
"o.k., go pick one out of the basement Ben"
Ben comes back with marbles and then big brother pipes in "let's have desert".
Nana quickly complies, scooping out vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce for Ben, Faith and Grandpa while John gets strawberry sorbet.
Marbles game is quickly over replaced by Jenga, which happens to be Ben's favorite game at our house. He is very adept at it and so passes time playing it with little sister, Faith, and Grandpa.
John and I watch Animal Planet but quickly turn t.v. off when the show gets a bit depressing.
After ice-cream, John says he is still hungry so we pop Popcorn. Then come Fruit Snacks.....but of course he is a growing boy.
Before you know it Mom and Dad are back and rounding up kiddos to take home. Grandpa and Nana are then kicking back after a good fun evening. WE wouldn't trade our time with the little ones for anything for we are blessed.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Memories of Autumn
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A Great Ministry
Gregg and Katie travel the country; if you ever get a chance to see them don't pass it up. I look forward to seeing them here in Colorado in the future.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Harvest Blessings
it is somewhat refreshing to have cooler days and blue skies. I ran an errand after lunch and noticed there is snow in the mountains, oh it does seem early for it. It is so exciting to experience each new day as it unfolds.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The High Places

Although today is cloudy and cooler with rain predicted I know we'll have more sunny days next week. I am planning to get back up there and see some more of God's Handiwork.
Have a wonderful day.
Friday, October 3, 2008
October Skies
And their expanse is declaring the work of His Hands. Psalm 19:1
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Life Science

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Beauty of Color
So wherever you are, go out and explore and revel in the changes of the season.