To all of Noreen's readers ---- please, let me introduce myself -- My name is John, also known as "Hubby" on this blog!! I thought I would steal Nor's blog and wish my beautiful wife "Happy Birthday"!!! I also thought it would be fun to let you gals know a few things about her and let you see why I fell in love with her. :o) I don't think any of this has hit the blog, so sit back and I will fill you in on some of the highlight's with this wonderful gal.
First things first ---- Happy Birthday Babe!!!
So, let me back up a few years ----- Nor and I met when we were teenagers (we were both thirteen years old) and we had a mutual friend that lived right done the street from her. Nor and I lived about six blocks from each other but we went to different high schools and ran in different crowds so we lost contact in our high school years and for a few after that. Here is the best part --- Nor called my parents and got my phone number ---- one evening the phone rang and yes, there was Nor on the other end asking, "what is going on in your life?" With life being build around timing, we had both just gotten out of relationships and yes we set that first date up ----- now Nor being good with dates, times and places can tell you the exact time and place for that first date ( it was the beach --- I do remember that, but the date ??? --- I'm a guy --- sorry ). What I do remember about that first date was how beautiful Noreen looked and her long blond hair. :o) That is still in my mind to this day.

The smile on my face said it all!!
I also, remember thinking, "boy, I'm glad she called me". :o) We dated for five plus years and we had so many things in common --- we loved to water-ski, work on my sports cars (yes, Nor got her hands dirty) and when the Lotus or Corvette was running we would go for long drives in the hills. As I'm writing this so many good memories come to mind. :o) OK, here is one funny story about the Lotus -- Nor took the Lotus downtown to pick me up one day ---- she had a cute pair of shorts on and a bathing suit top, I come out of a store and there was three guys around the car ---- these guys were asking all kinds of questions and yes, checking Nor out ----- I'm thinking, "Wait a minute. She is mine and you three can get away from her!!!!" Well, I think it was not too long after that ---- I did finely propose to this beautiful woman and we got married.
All of you know we have two wonderful daughters, two great son-in-laws and yes, our ninth grandchild just arrived. Noreen is the best Wife / Mother / Nana that this growing family could have dreamed of---- her love for our daughters and their families is way above the norm. ---- I think her heart is double the size of the rest of ours; there is nothing she wouldn't do for those kids!!! Noreen has been the best Wife, Friend, Lover that this one man could have asked for. I have to give all the credit to her on how our daughter's live their life ---- Nor was a stay at home Mom and was always there for them and me. Nor did homeschool our girls through their Junior High and High School years and again, all the credit goes to her for how our daughters have turned out. Nor and I have entered a new phase of our life --- retirement -- and I would not want to spent it with anyone else!!! She is the love of my life!!!
I hope you gals will join me in wishing Nor "Happy Birthday" today!!
Happy Birthday Babe!!! I Love You!!!