Happy Monday; fall has certainly arrived here in Colorado, with sky is overcast and air cool. Our mountain tops are sprinkled with snow and as I write, I hear the Canadian Geese honking as they fly overhead.
Friday night our youngest daughter and family had a birthday celebration for two of their kiddos. Their third girl turned five on Saturday and the baby of the family, their boy, turn one last Monday. It is fun to have two birthday parties at once; although the family does celebrate each individual day as well.
Here Little Man is playing with his cousin. Since the families are together so often, the kids feel more like siblings than cousins. I love it.
I love A's smile! Such expression.
After dinner was over, yes dinner for 17 of us, the kiddos got to open presents. Kim surrounded by littles.
Our two oldest grandsons are assuring us that Little Man will be all boy.
This little guy loves cars and trucks; he got a variety of dump trucks for his first birthday.
Our oldest girl with her two youngest. Beauty, pure and simple.
Don't you just love the curls and ringlets?!
Miss D got lots of wonderful gifts for her birthday-Lego's and cooking utinsels. Unfortunately, I didn't get many photos of her opening her gifts; I did make sure to get one of her with her cake. Another masterpiece by her dad.
Little Man wants to know where his is.
By the time he was done with the cupcake, he was covered with green frosting. Somehow we missed getting that shot.
We all had a great time; tonight we have Miss F's birthday at Carrie's house. Another dinner with lots of fun is in store for us. Lest you think we are off the hook with birthdays, we have three adults birthday's in Oct. and then on to one a month for Nov., two in Dec. and then we begin again.
Have a wonderful fall day!
Blessings, Noreen
It’s Done
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