Happy New Year's Eve to you! WE had such fun with the granddaughters last night; they are so fun to watch as they grow and mature. I got a good sleep, but know this evening I will probably catnap on the couch. We haven't stayed up til Midnight since we lived in Ca., just no reason too. Hubby and I will go to our favorite restaurant for a nice dinner; we always go really early because of the crowds. Even getting there at 4:15, we still have to wait to be seated.
I have mentioned that hubby and I bought a new home; in case you didn't catch it, the whole thing came about very unexpectedly and is such an incredible blessing! I will say that this home is our dream home and although we won't move into until May or June, I do have photos to look at. I also have plenty of time to purge and pack. Unfortunately, the photo I wanted to share is of my new sewing room and we didn't get a picture of it. I had the photos from the website, but then one day my computer crashed and I lost it. I can say without a doubt that the sewing/quilt room was the room that made us go look at the house. The photo I am sharing though is the room that made my heart flutter when we went to the Open House-a dream kitchen.
If we had decided to redo our kitchen, I wouldn't have chosen black granite but in this space it looks perfect. The cabinets are alder and the appliances top grade, plus two ovens. We are gaining a lot more space in this house and it will make family gatherings and sleepovers such fun. The yard is smalle than we have (a great thing for hubby because of his neck/back issues) and overlooks the golf course, one of hubby's requirements. The view of the Rockies is wonderful too and I suspect we will enjoy many sunsets on the covered porch. The guest room is downstairs next to my sewing room, just in case an overnight guest wants to sew. I know that four months sounds like a long time to move in but the sellers are renting back from us, as they restore a historical house. We have a two week vacation in April so I think the timing will be perfect.
I hope that the New Year brings you peace, health, love and joy. I have been so blessed spending time visiting your blogs and look forward to more visits in the New Year.
Until Next Year,
Love Noreen & Hunter
It’s Done
1 hour ago