Happy Monday to you! I hope you had a great weekend. We had a full day Saturday that started when I took three neighbors to a craft fair in her home-a beautiful 100 year old farmhouse that they renovated from the floor up. I loved seeing her antiques and she had about 8 other gals-sisters and friends who had hand made items to sell. Susie, the owner and previous owner of our house, is a quilter and so you can imagine there were lots of goodies for me to look at. Her sewing room was so perfect, big and bright! One gal was selling pottery, another cards, some wood art(I almost bought a sign that said "The Mountains are calling and I must go"which is one of my sayings) and even some decorative Reindeer and a Snow Man made out of horseshoes. It was so fun! When I got home, hubby and I made a drive up to Estes Park to look for some Christmas presents and walk Main Street. WE didn't see any Elk, which is unusual for this time of year and the tourist numbers weren't too bad either. WE thought it would be jam packed but it wasn't. Although we didn't find the gifts we were wanting, I got a few items. Don't the Rockies look incredible. It was a picture perfect day!
Yesterday was pretty low key~going to both daughters home's to say hi and talk about the holidays.
Today, I'm going to a gal's who is in my mini-group, so we can plan in detail the games we will play for our Christmas luncheon. After that, I hope to hit the gym and then run by Macy's to look for some new jeans. I live in jeans and with working out(aka trimming down), I need a smaller size. I hit Kohl's and Old Navy yesterday, but didn't find any that would work. O.k. so at Old Navy they only have 4 dressing rooms and there was a line; I just wasn't in the mood to wait.
It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is here already; I'll start taking down my Harvest Decor and putting up Christmas things-though I won't officially start until later this week. On Thursday night, after our big dinner, we will have about 4-5 grands for a sleepover so the parents can go shopping.
I hope you have a fantastic day!
Joy to you.