Happy Monday to you! It is hard to believe that summer is almost over; although for many of us we still have plans to enjoy every last day. Autumn is my absolute favortie season, but it always passes too quickly and winter comes roaring in. I am not one for getting the latest kitchen gadget, however my daughter uses her Insta Pot all the time and loves it. I also have other friends who use it for camping and says it is so great to put something in it in the morning and when you get back from hiking, you dinner is ready. Hubby and I are hoping to do some longer trips next summer and I thought it would be worth it to get a mini Insta Pot. Tomorrow night I'm going to try Mongolian Beef with Broccoli and hope it is as good as the recipe looks.

I grew up with a Pressure Cooker and never had any issues with using one, but I know several people that won't use them due to bad experiences. This Insta Pot has settings for Pressure Cooker, Saute, Slow Cooker as well as stews, chili, soups, rice, steam, delay start, and yogurt. I spent some time on Pinterest today looking for recipes and hope this will become a big part of our camping trips.
What about you, do you have one? I got the mini size because it is just the two of us. If you don't have one, do you want to get one. I'm hoping it won't be like other items I got(Ice Cream Maker and Rice Cooker)that I gave away for the simple reason I never used them.
Here in Colorado there are five wildfires going and our air is so hazy. It was so bad out yesterday at our outside church service, that I'm sure some folks were having a hard time breathing.
Have a great day and week!