It is hard to believe that our year is coming to a close and a new year filled with endless possibilities is upon us. As I look back on this year, I am blessed beyond measure at all the Lord has given me. Hubby and I were able to spend time with our closest friends here; they love taking us on back roads and showing us new sites. I so look forward to more day trips and fun times together. It is always great to have someone who understands your little quirks, like driving back roads and watching wildlife just for the thrill of it. I am so thankful that my brother and his wife surprised me for my birthday by flying into Colorado in winter. What an incredible blessing they are to all of us!!!! We spent time back in California with family and friends; we love to visit but I can say I'm so glad I don't live there anymore. We saw our grandkids grow in leaps and bounds and are so blessed by our newest granddaughter, Alaina who joined our family on Thanksgiving Day. We are also so blessed for another little girl that will join our family this spring, taking the number of grandchildren up to nine. Thank you Lord, although I always wanted a big family with lots of kids, You have given me that through our daughters. I am so thankful and blessed by our two girls and their families. Hubby and I especially enjoyed seeing New Mexico with our good friends and old neighbors from Ca. I am thankful for the simple, slower life that we enjoy here. I am thankful for the wonderful pets the Lord has given us over the years and for how each one has enriched our lives. I am thankful for memories that bring smiles to our faces. I am thankful for my hubby of 31+ years and for the husband he is. I am so blessed by all my new bloggy friends-wow, who woulda thought! I am looking forward to this New Year and all that it holds. I believe the Lord is doing a mighty work in this world, in the lives of believers and unbelievers alike. I am looking forward to spending time focused on Him, because it is all about Him.
Happy New Year friends!!!!
Blessings, Noreen
19 hours ago