Each day holds so many things to be thankful for~life itself, the love of a good man, two wonderful daughters and sil's and of course our adorable grand children. We are blessed to have great friends back in California and the beginnings of deep friendships here in Colorado. I am so thankful for the dear friends I've made in blogland and the hope to meet them in person. They are a source of daily encouragement and friendship and I thank the Father for them. I am so grateful to our Heavenly Father for His daily provisions-His Son, His Word, a roof over our heads and spiritual manna as well.
Last night we spent part of the evening with our youngest daughter watching an old video of a christian comedian by the name of Brad Stine. Hubby and I had never heard of him before but sil had seen him at Promise Keepers about 5 years ago. It was so refreshing to see a stand up comic that was clean. His jokes were still very relevant to today and he made some excellent points about our country; now if I could just remember them when I am in a discussion with someone else.
I am so thankful that we live in a country where we are allowed to choose who we follow unlike others who are daily persecuted for their faith. I am so thankful for these brothers and sisters in Christ who willingly and lovingly suffer for Christ and the sake of the gospel as well as for all of us.
What are you thankful for today?
19 hours ago