Thursday, May 17, 2018

Happy Thursday to you all.  I hope your week has been filled with contentment and gratitude.  Today will be somewhat busy, but in a good way. This morning hubby and I will head over to Carrie's house to watch the puppies playing outside~I can't wait!  Carrie said they are so cute and one even played with Lily(whose now the old lady in the pack at 10 yrs old).  I am so thankful for them; even though in 3 more weeks, they'll be going to their forever homes, it's fun to spend time with them now.  They will grow into loving and well adjusted companions.   We are also joining Kim's inlaws and going out to lunch.  It's been a month since we've seen them and this time frame seems to work better for us, rather than several times a month.
I'm sure this afternoon will be spent outside in the yard~rain is headed our way tomorrow through the weekend.  Unfortunately, this weekend is our developments' big garage sale, I'm wondering if the weather will cause some to cancel.  It's always fun to go by and see what folks are getting rid of.
For those friends who wished me well with the doctor appt., it was fine. I do have a follow up test on Monday morning and hopefully the results will be clear!
I will post photos of adorable puppies playing later.
Have a great morning.
So thankful for this life!

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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14