Friday night we joined a couple from our street and went to our favorite restaurant. Bonefish is incredible~their food is delicious and staff attentive. This is the special I had, more of an appetizer than a dinner as the portions were small; however it was so good. There was a pineapple risotto and a glaze on the shrimp that was delicious. It was the perfect size. I usually have salads, but choose this and was so glad I did.
Today has started off on a normal schedule-first thing the gym and this afternoon I'm heading to our quilt guild meeting; they are having a guest speaker whose a quilt appraiser and judge at fairs. Looking forward to hearing her.
Tomorrow I'm getting a cut and color, but going back to how I used to wear it-shorter and a bit lighter for the summer. Lately my hair has felt so heavy and with the heat coming thought I'd change it up a bit. Hope it looks good.
Have a wonderful day!
That looks delicious!