Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Almost home

Happy Wednesday to you! This morning I’ve been packing as tomorrow evening we head home. It’s been a different and interesting trip- we’ve changed condos three times, had more rain than we’ve ever seen and seal pal Val said it’s been like this. Add in horrendous traffic, the worst we’ve seen in 13.5 years ; all this is to say we are re-evaluating future trips. Love this island but it’s become so congested. However, this morning I got a text that Copper had delivered seven puppies; so exciting but Brent is out of state so it was just Mr.B,Carrie and the girls helping Copper.  She had three females and four males; three are red, two are white and two are white and are Parti Poodles. You know I wish I was home already; can’t wait to see these precious pups and pick up our boy.
I probably won’t be on here tomorrow, but hope to have pics on Friday. Having said that, our Mac laptop died and we have a new Ipad(sales tax is half of what it is at home). Hope you are aall doing well.


  1. Yay for Mama Copper. Hope all goes well for her and for your trip home.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. Your earlier post mentions you having fun on Kauai, I hope you can work out going again, even with rain and traffic.
    Congrats to Copper.

  3. Sorry we weren’t able to connect. Yes, we’ve had this rainy weather since Christmas. I long to see blue sky!! As for the traffic I think it’s a two fold problem. #1more visitors that normally do Florida or the Caribbean have come here due to all the hurricane damage in those areas. #2 with the crumby weather people are driving around trying to find sunshine, so no one on the beaches and more on the roads. Safe travels home.

  4. Congratulations on the new pups. My boys and I are looking forward to getting a dog soon. My husband is finally giving it some thought.

  5. Hope your trip home went well.....

  6. Praying for you, sweet friend, and trusting Jesus to bring you safely home. SO sorry you had such trials. I do trust you were able to find some happy moments in between the aggravating parts. Congratulations on the new pups! I know you can't wait to see them!!!!

  7. Sorry that you didn't get to see much sunshine, but hopefully enjoyed the getaway as much as possible! It will be wonderful to get home and meet all the puppies, so very exciting :) Safe travels!

  8. I hope that your trip was great despite the drawbacks of weather and traffic. Congrats on Copper's litter. Have fun meeting them!


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