Tuesday, June 4, 2013

An Alert

Heads up fellow bloggers~tonight while going through my reader I came across a blog name I didn't recognize, one I've never joined or followed.  The posts are all ads for products.  As I researched it, I found that the name on the blog address was  a blog I used to follow but she hasn't been posting this year.  I'm not sure how, but when I checked it out of Goggle +, I found it is a guy and I've never done anything to get him in my reading list.  I've also had problems this last year with deleting blogs that are now longer active.  This blog is called Montana; and of course there is no reader list on the side panel to delete my name off of.  If anyone has any advice or ways to delete a blog, so they won't keep popping up with ads, please let me know.  Thanks.


  1. I wish I had an answer but MOM and I are stumped.

  2. If you are using Google Reader and have the panel open on the left side of the GR page, you can right click on the little down arrow to the right of the blog name and a pop up box will appear. One of the options there is to unsubscribe to that blog.

    Hope this helps.

  3. I'm afraid that I don't have any better advice than the OP Pack. I hope that you sort it out. I'm sorry that I've been so absent. I don't know where the time has gone. I'm glad that you're well.

  4. I don't know how to fix it either. I have a couple that now show up on my side panel, too. It drives me nuts!!! xoDiana

  5. I would be curious too on how to unsubscribe to old inactive blogs...been trying to figure it out for months. I'll be curious to see what kind of response you get from others


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