Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Winter Carnival II

Happy Tuesday Friends; I hope your day has been off to a good start. Most of these photos don't need any caption but I do want to draw your attention to the age of these kids. I guess when you grow up in a town like Steamboat, known for the high number of Olympics athletes, skiing is as natural as walking for many. I also wanted to give a hats-off salute to the ranchers that participated as well; they not only had to take care of their own livestock at home, but then to come and spend the day putting on a show. Click to enlarge any photo for a better view.
I love seeing the horses in mid-stride
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A Three Legged Race is hard enough without the snow
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Getting ready to race
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I've got a pretty easy day today: walking Hunter, going to the gym(about time wouldn't you say!)and I'm going to a new hair salon today for color and cut. A local gal whose prices made my jaw drop but hopefully what extra I pay her makes up in quality and also less gas to get to my old gal. Sometimes, I think a gal has to try some new places every now and again. It is cold here but the sun is shining and the sky blue. Hope you have a fantastic day filled with giggles and smiles.
Noreen and Hunter


  1. Every now and then we have those hose/skiing things in our down town. But I am sure Steamboat is better. MOM just loves Steamboat. She was telling me all about it and showing me pictures, I have never been. It sounds like my kind of place. Enjoy your day. :) Nose poke to my pal Hunter.

  2. Good morning! this looks like it was such a fun day! Good luck on the new stylist! Enjoy your day...

  3. Hi Noreen. What fun that looks like for those kiddos!!! And fun to watch too!!!
    I hope you come home with a terrific haircut!!!
    xo Kris

  4. What fun!!! I love a good winter carnival, and its been a long time since I've been to one--You have to live in a place that has a good winter I guess!! :-)

  5. Those pictures looks like the Carnival was such a fun time.

    I didn't get to the gym today ... my legs were a little achey from the 45 minutes I did yesterday, so I decided to take a break. Turned out just as well as I got a call from DD asking for some help this afternoon ... T-time will always win out over gym time. ;-) I'm going to try to get there tomorrow.

  6. Oh how fun... your carnival pictures are wonderful, Noreen!! I loved looking at them. That downtown looks very similar to ours.

    Be sure to post pictures of the new "do". I'm contemplating coloring my greys... for the first time. We'll see. :-)

    Have a blessed rest of the week!


  7. Hope you liked your new stylist. I found a new one a couple of months ago. When I went to pay they asked me how I wanted to pay for my "investment"...that should tell you something. The nice part is she will trim me up between cuts for nothing.

  8. What a fun way to enjoy the winter weather!


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