Monday, November 9, 2009

This new day I am thankful to be alive and to personally know my Creator.
I am thankful for the variety of colors, designs and shapes that graced our sky on Saturday evening.
I am thankful for a very artistic and talented hubby who sees beauty in the world around us.
I am thankful for the blessing of seeing my hubby's photo on Denver's 10:00 news.
I am thankful for the Rocky Mountains and the ability to see them from where we live.
I am thankful to my Lord, the maker of the heavens and earth, Who bestows on each of us different talents, abilities and gifts. I am thankful that He never compares us to another and loves us unconditionally.
I am thankful for prayer warriors who take up the fight with me for those I love and for those in the world around us.
I am thankful for God's word and the fact that it never returns void without accomplishing that which the Father desires.
I am thankful for those who read the humble ramblings of this woman and cheer me on regardless of what I share.
Hugs to you this day!!!


  1. And I am thankful for you dear friend. You are such a blessing.

    I'll e-mail later today. Love ya!!

  2. Hi Noreen,
    what a beautiful sunset that is on your header pic! Breathtaking!!
    Love your thankful lists, they are great, and it is soooo true that the more you are thankful the more God shows you to be thankful for and it completely changes your perspective on problems, you just don't notice them as much! Gods ways are sooo incredibly wise!
    That is so neat you got to meet Pam and Marlene. Now that is great, and looked like yall had a great time together. Very nice pic of all of you as well.
    Looks like your daughter had a lovely baby shower, glad the Lord blessed her so much. So sweet of your daughter to do that for her,
    especially when she is pregnant and has other children. What a thoughtful young woman. Glad you all had such a sweet time.
    So why was your hubbies pic on the news??? How fun it that!!
    You sure don't see that everyday,
    or more like never in your life! lol
    We had such a great weekend, and hubby is still off today, so we are just relaxing and trying to decide if we want to go out or not.
    Think Scott really enjoyed his birthday celebration as well.
    And I am so happy my back is way
    better. Thanks for your prayers and good advice.
    You have a great week hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. WOW! That is one amazing sunset!

    When I see something like that I always think of the song: I Stand ALL Amzaed.

    And it's true.

    I do.


  4. I am thankful for another day! AND for all the wonderful online friends such as YOU!



  5. Being thankful is a great way to start this week :-) It got me to thinking about those things I am thankful for - thank you!

    Your friend,

  6. Hi sweet friend (o: Did you take that picture Saturday evening? When we were on the way to church Sat. night I was soooo amazed by the sunset... of course I had no camera (o:
    Can you believe I went to the CU football game Saturday. I am not a big football fan, but it was fun to go with a friend and spend the day together. Rich had got all the leaves off of the grass and it looked like a park... nice and green under all those wet leaves (o:

  7. Hi Noreew,
    You have the most beautiful blog of them all!!!! The header is beautiful and that sun set was so beautiful!!!
    I am thankful for all the wonderful gifts he gives us. For bring my husband into my life. My family and all my animals.
    I am blessed, Fern


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14