Monday, October 22, 2018

Autumn Colors

Happy Monday to you all. Our weather has been so warm this last week, except in the mornings when it's frosty. Here are some pics that will make you feel like fall, regardless of where you are.



  1. So beautiful. We don't have fall out here in California with all of the vibrancy. In my neck of the woods anyways. Have a blessed and beautiful week.

  2. Such gorgeous colors! I love Autumn's warm tones! Our Burning Bush hasn't started to turn yet - it seems as though it's one of the last ones in the neighborhood to break out in red.

  3. Oh, wow! Those colors are downright amazing! I just love the fall. We took a long walk yesterday, and I just had to stand and look up at the tall trees and praise our wonderful God. How can one see the glories of autumn and say there is no Creator? It is my favorite season, I just love it so much! Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures, sweet friend. Sending love and hugs your way!

  4. I love all your photos......Thanks for coming by my blog to visit. Since your visit there I have been diagnosed with lobular invasive breast cancer. It is a difficult journey ahead, and the 4th kind of cancer in 8 years. We know this is not from God, but from the enemy. We are holding tight to each other and to our Lord as we seek wellness once again. More tests ahead before a treatment plan and surgery. Can us your prayers Noreen......Praying all is well with you in Colorado!

  5. What gorgeous fall photos! We are just beginning to see a touch of fall. It is my favorite season!


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14