Sunday, August 26, 2018

A True American Hero

REST IN PEACE  SENATOR MCCAIN.  You served your country with your life and we all owe you a debt of gratitude.


  1. So true Noreen......
    Did you ever see the movie about his captivity?
    It was absolutely horrible what this man lived
    through.....I had the greatest respect for him
    after I saw that. I have great respect for our
    troops and especially the ones that were in
    Viet Nam, as they were the most unappreciated
    troops ever, I had 2 brothers who did tours of
    duty there and one that did it twice.

    Hope this finds you doing well.
    Blessings, Nellie

  2. He truly loved and served this country so well, I think he would have made a great president.
    Have a blessed evening.


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