When I was a young wife and mom, a new christian and a woman hungering for friendship I joined a woman's bible study at our church. The studies occurred every Thursday morning from nine to noon throughout the school year. The first part of the morning the pastor taught on one particular book of the bible, then we'd break for coffee and snacks and from 10:30 to 12:00 individual classes geared at teaching skills pertinent to keeping a home were given. As I recall there were at least 2 dozen classes ranging in topics such as knitting, quilting, cookie, arts and crafts, bread baking etc.
One year I signed up for Grounding and Growing, foolishly thinking it had to do with gardening. A close friend and I took the class and there were only three of us in this group. This was a fairly large church and class size often was in the 10-20's. We found out quickly that it wasn't on gardening, except in gardening our souls. The focus was entirely spiritual and taught memorization, study habits for time in the Word and prayer. The years I attended this church were wonderful times spent with gals who were mature Christians and gals like me that had a hunger and thirst for righteousness. I remember how I missed the classes during summer but many of us would get together for park days once a week to continue building the fellowship.
I was blessed to be surrounded by godly women who gently took me under their wings to teach and lead me. These are such sweet memories for me and also my first friends who homeschooled. I think my life and my daughter's lives would have been totally different if it wasn't for this special group of sisters that nurtured me. It has been a very long time since I've heard from most of them; one I still keep in contact with and she and her hubby are dear friends of ours. Most of us moved out of the area and made new bonds of friendships but these ladies will always hold a special place in my heart. I look forward to seeing them in Glory and joining them as we lift praises to our King. Who is your someone special that has impacted your life for Christ? Are you still in contact with her? If so, write, call or reach out and give her a hug today just to let her know how much she means to you.
have a good day...
3 hours ago
ReplyDeleteI remember being so invovled with two Bible studies- one: "Where's Your Mama?" and Explorers Bible study; both lead by a godly woman that some years back lost her husband, but God gave her a godly man and now they are married.
Explorers was an in-depth study of God's word. I loved it. My favorite was the Mama one, because it was the Titus woman(my teacher) speaking to a then new mom(me). She came up with the title, because she said that it is what a dad says when trouble arises-"where's your mama?" :)
I have a friend (and her hubby) that have moved some hours away to serve in ministry to abused young boys. We are so much like sisters!
We stay in contact and can talk together in such a way; a comfortable uplifting way.
Thank you, Noreen, for I am counting you as a new blessing to my life :)
How wonderful to have had this Bible Study/group every week and the fact that you still are in contact with one of the members is amazing. We have "Life Groups" in our church but it is so hard to get people to commit to attending. I think we need to have fellowship and learn from other's experiences as we grow closer to God. I chuckled as I read how you thought "Grounded and Growing" was associated with gardening because I would have thought the same thing!!
ReplyDeleteHello! Your journal is so lovely and peaceful. I've been enjoying the music this evening as well as your posts.