Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Simple Pleasures

One of the greatest joys of moving to Colorado has been that my dedicated, hard-working husband was able to retire after working for the same manufacturing company for 35+ years. He faithfully worked day in and day out to provide a wonderful lifestyle for his family. We loved living in the beautiful area of California but found it increasingly difficult in the current economic market. Moving out of state allowed us to both quit work and slow down. Many thought we were giving up so much but in the end we have gained so much more than we could have imagined. Having grandchildren across the street has allowed John to teach the boys woodworking and has given us blessings of developing deep relationships with each child. Our daughter, Kim, is 6 mos pregnant and has always had a difficult time, with both daughters she was put on bed rest. Because I am home now, three to four mornings a week I am able to go over and help her with her two very active daughters. Today as we played in the yard and in the wading pool I found myself getting soaked by dear Shannon, now 3. Of course turn about is fair play and so a small water fight occured. I actually got the worse of it and laughed the entire time. If I were out working I would have missed these times helping Kim and growing close to her two as well. When I visit homes of friends and see how elegantly decorated they are, I admire them but wouldn't trade all the material riches for time with my husband, daughters and grandchildren. Our lives pass much to quickly and relationships are much too important, too valuable to trade for "things".
"For where your treasure is, there will you heart be also." Matt.6:21
Where is your heart this day?

1 comment:

  1. ...and I couldn't do it without your loving help. I am sure that I would be on bed rest already. We treasure all the times that you spend here: playing, laughing, and loving. I am thankful my girls had you since I didn't have a grandma to do these things with and I pray that one day I can do the same for my girls. Our family is truly blessed!


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14