Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Daily I am trying to cultivate an attitude of gratitude but on Thursdays I love to jot down some of my favorite things.

I am thankful for the beauty of orchids that grow among lava gardens. I love the flowers that grow in Hawaii and also here in Northern Colorado-my home.

I am thankful for all the different birds, wildlife and flowers that I am learning to love right here.

I am thankful for the birds that serenade me early every morning.

I am thankful for the crickets that chirp as I drift off to sleep at night.

I am thankful that even though we have warm mornings and thunder storms in the afternoons, our sky is clear and free from smoke that our family and friends in Ca. are living with.

I am thankful for days spent with loved ones and remembering when the little ones were my daughters, not my grandchildren.

I am thankful for my daughters and their hubby's faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and how they are raising our grandchildren in the knowledge and admonition of the Lord. I am thankful for God's plan for each of our lives; that His promises are true and will not return void.

I am thankful for a small local farmers market that carries fresh produce and plants that I can get in the ground before the season is over.

I am thankful for new friends and coffee time.

I am thankful for the ability to call, on a cell phone, dear friends back home and tell them how much I miss them, to be able to catch up and not worry about expensive phone bills.

I am thankful for the wonderful trips my beloved and I have taken and the possibility of trips next year.

I am thankful for the gift of prayer and knowing it does make a difference in our lives.

I am thankful for dear sisters who pour out their lives as a drink offering unto the Lord. I am grateful to Lynn and Dineen at Spiritually Unequal Marriage as well as 1Peter3Living for the encouragement, support and wisdom they give to others.I am thankful for kindred spirits, some whom I've met and some whom I haven't that I learn about via the internet.

I am thankful that today I will spend the morning at home helping my daughter to sew.

I am thankful that I can wear capris and flip-flops every day except on Sunday when I worship our Lord.

I am thankful the Lord has blessed me with this day, this life in this time.

If you are reading this, I am thankful for you!


  1. Bless your beautiful heart sweetie.

  2. That was a beautiful Thankful list. The Lord has been teaching me to go outside more often, look around and see all of His wondrous creations. The flowers you mention, the birds I have come to enjoy so much, the weather, all of the beauty that He alone created. Thanks for sharing your grateful heart with us this week. Be blessed,

  3. Aww, thank you, Noreen! You are a huge blessing to me! You have no idea. And such a comfort. Thank you! I'm so glad I saw this and now I know your beautiful face. :-)


  4. Hi Noreen,

    I read this while on the road and I just wanted to stop in today and thank you... I was so encouraged by your kind words. Especially since I was far from home and out of my noral world. It was a life line to know I have a friend like you. Hugs!!!!! Love you girl...


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14