The Waldo fire isn't new news to most of us and yet looking at this photo of homes going up in flames is a reality check. I can't even imagine how devastating this is to the folks that live in this community but I well remember the threat of wildfires when we lived in California. This blaze has had more fatalities than the High Park fire, probably because the area is more densely populated. I love Colorado Springs and this scene is so sad. I was reminded yesterday that often we humans love to build homes where we shouldn't-be it in northern California on the Russian River, that floods every year and was intended to only have summertime residents, or in the heavily forested mountains. Regardless of where, the loss of one's home is overwhelming. My heart aches for all those impacted by the fires here in Colorado. These devastating losses makes me thankful for all that I am blessed with. I am thankful that I am not watching a fire destroy everything we have. I am thankful for life and liberty here in this great country; for the men and women who fight tirelessly to protect what we have-be it in the armed services or firefighters/police. I am thankful for the hope of a new day. I am thankful for cooler temps and light rains that have helped. I am thankful for eternal HOPE because like the photo above, one day all our things will be as ash.
Will you join me in prayer for all those impacted across our country by the wildfires?
Be Safe! Noreen
Mid week
9 hours ago