Tuesday, May 21, 2013

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Good Morning to you! I imagine everyone across our country is watching the national news, to see the latest news on Oklahoma. The prayers of many are going up. Having gone through a tornado here, the year we moved our family to this area, I know the devastation that Moore is facing. Our tornado was only an EF-3 but also spanned a mile wide; thankfully only one life was lost. Every spring I now take food and water supplies downstairs to the basement. I am so thankful we have basements here.  I always watch the sky when we get hail and thunder; there is an eery green glow, that once you've seen it, you'll never forget it.
Hubby got this photo a couple of weeks ago; we love it when the Pelicans are back. This year is the first year, since our tornado, that we've had as many Pelicans as before. They are beautiful birds; we are always sad to see them leave. Blessings on your day!
Noreen & Hunter


  1. Yes, it's hard to focus on anything other than the tragedy being suffered by so many.

  2. Praying for so many affected by this tragedy.

  3. It is hard to watch but we can pray

  4. Just so sad, and almost beyond the ability to even grasp the depth of the losses. Prayer is one thing we all can offer.

  5. Our prayers are being said as well for all those affected. And that is a super shot of the Pelican.

  6. Hi Noreen, I stopped by earlier, but wanted to pop back over to leave a comment. Such a sad, sad tragedy for Oklahoma. My heart and prayers go out to all those folks. Your pelican is beautiful! Hugs to you and Hunter!
    xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  7. I am glad you have a basement. A friend lost her home in a tornado two years ago. She and her children were sheltered in a broom closet --- along with two or three neighbors. Everything around them (including there home) was destroyed. So traumatic.

    On a more cheerful note --- white pelicans live in the wildlife refuge ponds near our house. I always enjoy them SO much!

    Gracious Hospitality


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