Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Harvest Blessings

 Welcome to our home; it's official Autumn is definitely here, you can tell by all my harvest decorations.
Last year we got a small Mum at the market and I planted it; you know the $7.00 kind that is so small.  Would you look at how regal it looks this year; I just love it. We did plant two smaller ones on either side of the Japanese Maple, in hopes that next year they will be the size of the burgundy one. 
Have an incredible day!!!


  1. hello my friend... i love your new Fall look here on the blog....

    and i love your Fall decorations at your home...looks so festive and nice...

    happy to stop by today...hugs to reggie

    sending love,
    kary and teddy

  2. So pretty. I just love plants that have foliage that turns red in the fall. I love the porch decore!.........Denise

  3. Your right, it's beautiful! Love your pumpkin too. Isn't Fall wonderful? HUGS

  4. That shrub is magnificent! Hope the two tiny ones do as well! Blessings!

  5. We are so ready for fall after this much warmer than normal summer. Amazing how beautiful the mums can be after a single year.

  6. How beautiful....I can't wait for us to have cooler weather.

    Oh the puppy and barking...good luck, haven't got that figured out...ours just seems to feel she should stick her nose into everyone's business and let them know she is here...LOL

  7. Hi! Noreen , hope this comment thing works now!! But decorations are so pretty! that plant is just beautiful!! Have a great Thursday:)

  8. Wow. That mum is what I hope to happen every time I plant one in the fall. I've had some real straggly ones come up the following year, but nothing like yours. It's wonderful!

  9. Hi Noreen,
    Love your big ol pumpkin, so pretty and your Mums looks gorgeous, hope the others turn out the same way.

    I am so enjoying my Fall decorations as well, and trying to figure out how I can incorporate a wedding theme that will look good with those colors
    since we are gonna have a small reception here for my daughter and new son-in-love to be when they get back from their destination wedding the end of October! Have gotten a few ideas from looking online but still want to do some more looking.
    Just haven't had anything really hit me yet, but eventually I think I will find that.....

    You take good care hon,
    Good to hear from you the other day, Love andthanks for your comments.
    Blessings, Nellie


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