Sunday, September 4, 2011

During the middle of summer,all our thousands of cosmos were in bloom and looked so very pretty have now taken on a totally different look as I've begun working on pulling them out.  I can only say that I hope next spring, when they are all popping up, that I pull most of them.  However, one blessing in all this work is that I once again found our cream colored/albino caterpillar that I saw a bit ago.  Don't know whether you can see it clearly but it is just like the fuzzy black ones but light.  So amidst my being bent over, amazed at all the growth, I was blessed by this simple creature.  Of course, someone will probably comment that this caterpillar turns into some horrid moth.  Oh well, it did give me a break, I will say that I filled our garbage can and have quit for the day. 
Have a wonderful afternoon dear friends.
Hugs, Noreen


  1. I have never seen a white one before! Greg and I headed up to the lake on a whim this morning. We are bobbing on the boat as I type this now. Delightful I tell you! I am in a sweatshirt cozier up on tieback bench seat doing crochet and reading blogs.

  2. A white caterpillar-wow! that's unique.
    Will you be planting any Fall flowers? I know it is so short-lived there. You can always decorate inside; just as fun! No watering needed :)
    The leaves are changing some here. I suppose the Aspens are changing. I sure miss them in front of Pikes.
    Enjoy them for me, my sweet friend!
    Love you!

  3. The Lord certainly knows what will make us feel loved and blessed by Him ~ even in the gift of a white caterpillar!! Your little story, shows me how God is so good and loving towards us....even in the smallest details of our lives - such an afternoon spent gardening!! ~ Thank you for sharing this lovely tale!!

  4. Yes I can see that fuzzy little fella! Wonder what he will turn into. Blessings!

  5. I love cosmos and seeing the 'little things' that sometimes get overlooked!! Someone else posted a picture of a white caterpillar too, and I've never seen one before--Gives me something to look for!


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