Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mother's Day

 Happy Thursday to you.  Today Laurie over at  is hosting TT and her topic is moms, since Sunday is Mother's Day.   Unfortunately, I don't have photos available of my mom that are easy to upload so I'm posting on someone as equally important in my life-my older sister who was a second mom to me.  I will say that when I remember mom, I remember a woman who knelt by her bed every morning to pray for her family. I remember a mom who loved all things Irish-being 100% Irish and a mom who had a tender heart for those in need.
My sister was in high school when I was born and I simply adored her.  She had a big part in raising me and I often told others she was my mom.  Both  my mom and my sister, Dee, are in glory now but I think I have traits from both of them.  I want to honor them both today and say thank you for all that you did for me; I would include my brother here too because he and the sister of my heart have sacrificed so much for me and for our family.  I am a blessed woman indeed.
Make sure you stop by Laurie's place for more TT posts.
Hugs today, Noreen


  1. Morning Noreen. Your sis is so pretty. What a sweet tribute to both your Mom and sister. I just read your computer woes. I recently got my first lappy and it is a Dell, and I LOVE it!!! We also have a MAC desktop, that Greg is quite fond of. He is a MAC guy all the way. Our son has a MAC notebook and it has never had a lick of trouble. Good luck. These days, a computer is a necessity!!!

  2. What a beautiful post. I loved reading about the love you have for both your Momma and big sister. Truly gifts to you from God above.

    Love to you this day. Happy Mother's Day, too!


  3. Hi Noreen, this post brought tears to my eyes. You always share from the heart and I love reading your post. Your mom and sister sound like they were exceptional women.

    Hope you enjoy the rest of the week.


  4. What a sweet, sweet tribute to your mom and your sister. Have a blessed Mother's Day!

  5. This was a beautiful tribute to those special women in your life. I too was in high school when my youngest sister was born, and felt WAY more like her mom than her sister, haha. To this day our relationship is really more on that level. She is only 4 years younger than my oldest son! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    HUGS, Debbie

  6. A very sweet and loving tribute
    to your mom and sis.
    I wish you a Happy Mother's Day

  7. My sisters had a huge hand in raising me, too. They were 15, 13 & 7 when I came along.

    What a wonderful tribute you've paid your sister.

    Happy Mother's Day to you, too!


  8. you certainly are blessed my friend. i too have a big sis that i just love and a fabulous mom as well!


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