Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Angels Watching Over Our Grands

On Sunday hubby and I were at our oldest daughte'rs home in the country.  Hubby was cutting some wood and Carrie and I were standing watching a baby bird on the lawn.  All of the sudden our girl let our a bit of a scream and I was searching for what was upsetting her.  Finally she said "SNAKE"; there slithering across the grass was a 6 foot long glossy snake.  I am not frightened by snakes, so I immediately went over to make sure it didn't have a rattle.  After all, we came from an area that had many rattle snakes and we had to kill them for years.  It wasn't a rattler and this snake was moving quite rapidly, trying to get to the corn fields behind their house.  He made his get away. 
 Yesterday afternoon, our youngest called and said they had a rattle snake in their back yard; I called my hubby at the golf course and told him he was needed.  I also went over to help with the little ones.  After the men had killed the snake, the police finally showed up and after  a few questions, it was determined that it wasn't a rattler but a big Bull snake.  Although  the family doesn't want any snake in their yard at all, this type would be one that would keep the rattlers away.  They live in a suburban neighborhood but there is a farm at the end of their street and apparently the area was known for bull snakes. Their dog, a big(120 lb)Neuf/Lab mix stayed between the snake and the girls and wasn't about to let it near them.  He was the one who alerted mom and dad that something was wrong. Good job Samson.  Below is the actual bull snake(aka gopher snake)and they are known for their resemblance to rattlers.  Without seeing the tail itself or the rattle, you can understand why it was mistaken for a rattler.

So all the grand children had lessons in nature and biology this weekend. For some strange reason, snakes don't bother me and if I had to choose between them and rats I would probably choose a snake.
Now we will always be on the outlook for snakes in both yards.
Love having angels watching over us!


  1. I agree, I don't mind snakes either, except for poisonous ones of course. I have a pretty snake living in our gardens, black with a yellow racing stripe along each side.

  2. Oh my goodness!! Snakes scare the daylights out of me!!!!! Thanks goodness no one was bit!!

  3. Oh Noreen, you are quite a woman. I absolutely hate snakes. Well, a little garter snake would be okay. I wish bull snakes didn't resemble rattlesnakes so closely. Probably a lot of them are killed just for the resemblance.
    When I was in hunter's safety class I learned that in the case of snakebite, most women are bitten on the foot and most men are bitten on the hand (because they are taunting or trying to kill the snake).

  4. oh my...I would not handle that well. Yay for protectors!

  5. Aparently English Shephereds are 'ggo' with snakes.

    But we don't have many in the UK :-)

  6. Ewwwww! While we lived in Arizona (from 2000 to 2010), snakes and scorpions were a common sight, which means we had to be cautious about where a foot was placed or a hand reached. I never did warm up to them :)

  7. Hello, I hope my comment goes through this time. I have been having a problem for some reason. Anyway, I wish I could say snakes don't bother me, but it just wouldn't be true...I REALLY don't like them. WAY too scary for me. Don't like rats any better, haha. Sooo glad your grandkids were all fine...praise God. I got the fabric ordered this morning, so I need to finish up all my other things so I can get busy on the rest of this. Time is flying. Hope you are having a good day! HUGS

  8. Well I do NOT like snakes. I am sure I would have been screaming and running...I am pretty tough.....but snakes creep me out. Now I need to make sure they are not in my yard (o: We don't have a field right next to us...so I guess we are safe. Glad the dog was guarding the kidos. It was hard to tell from the picture that it was not a rattler...I don't think I would want the other one around either.

  9. You are so brave. I am not a snake lover and when I scream the everyone knows it. I am thankful your family and their dog are safe.

    Blessings & Hugs

  10. Oh my...how scary! I'm glad everyone is okay. I don't like snakes at all. Yay for the protective dog!! Good for him.

  11. I can only reiterate what others have said Noreen - you are so brave! Here in most parts of Australia we do see snakes although fortunately not too often around out place. I simply am terrified of them hanging around! Blessings!

  12. Wow, that second one sure did look like a rattler. As far as I am concerned the only good snake is a dead snake. I take that scripture very seriously, that says the serpent shall have enmity with the woman!! lol

    So thankful the Lord was watching over your wee ones!!
    He is so good!


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