Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hi all, Today I am especially thankful for angels watching over hubby and I as we were on the roof this morning; he was hanging over the edge painting the trim of the second story while I was handing him brushes and a roller. You say what? A couple(in the late 50's)up on a second story painting...praise God we aren't afraid of heights; in fact we got quite a view of the neighborhood and hills near us. So at least the back trim is primed but I'm making him wait a few days before he puts on the final coat as his back is pretty strained right now.
I'm thankful for His grace and mercy on us, for cool breezes that blow and for His provision in our lives.
I am thankful for a dear sister who mentored me in Christ, 30 some years ago, and who recently connected with me.
I am thankful that our physical labor for today is over and now we can kick back and rest.
For more thankful posts, pop over and visit Laurie at Laced with Grace.
Blessings to you this day.


  1. I am so thankful you are safe too
    of course you know of all the ladder stories out there
    no one ever thinks they will get careful
    I am excited we have a date set...I need to ask Rich about a time. I think maybe we should take our ladder ball along in case we want to play at a park....if it is a nice evening...just in case (o:

  2. I think my husband and I would enjoy you and your husband very much. We're do-it-yourself kind of people because we can't afford to hire it done!
    At least our son is old enough to mow the lawn now. It's wonderful. Have a great weekend!

  3. so grateful for GOd's protection upon you both. now rest!

  4. Glad you are both down off that ladder, you sound so like my hubby and I. We are about to do our front porch....soo looking forward to it...HUGS

  5. Thank you for reminding us of how important daily gratitude is. Kathy

  6. Thankful you both are safe and sound and on the ground! :) Anytime "roof time" is required, I get a bit nervous! Thank you too for stopping by and leaving such encouraging words on my blog. You have helped me to remember, even with this post, that no matter, what Give Thanks.... Thank Him in everything! So...thank YOU too! :) Big hugs!

  7. We have much to be thankful for. Thank you for sharing your thankful heart today!

  8. I can't believe you two painted yourselves!!! Yikes!!
    In answer to your question...Greg is a little bit better, but still has a long way to go.
    Thanks for asking Noreen. Have a great upcoming weekend. deserve it.

  9. Lovely post - and VERY brave you are! I do the same sometimes - must be the baby boomer in us :) And would you believe, I broke my foot in spring - NOT by doing dangerous things. I stepped off the curb at church when picking up my grandkids from Awana. :) :) :) God is good and we learned a LOT from that.

    Have a blessed and safe week. :)

  10. Wow...always thankful for those guardian angels...


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14