Hello to you this beautiful Sunday; it's definitely feeling like spring and we are expecting thunder storms and rain later-which is definitely a sign of spring or summer. Several years ago my best friend sent me this hand made runner; she knows that I'm all things Irish and especially in March. I love this and it is so special because because she made it for me. She is also Irish and made a matching one. I bring out my few pieces of Belleek Pottery that we brought back from the factory in Ireland and always post photos from our trip to years ago; I usually share stories from my parents as well....so be prepared to see green here.
I loved Ireland and especially seeing where my grandparents were born and lived. I think the older I get the more I appreciate my heritage. There are people that know me and when introducing me often will say "and she's Irish", which always strikes me as funny. I do have a Gaelic way of pronouncing several words that came from my mother's brogue and hubby often makes fun of me when it slips out. When I was 19 and visited Vancouver B.C. people kept asking where in Massachusetts I was from, when I told them I was born and raised in California(had my birth certificate to prove it)they wouldn't believe me because so many of the Irish immigrants settled originally in Ma. and still have a bit of the brogue.
I hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy the coming of spring! I simply can't wait-it's been a long, cold winter here. I do have lots of gardening to do as well.
are you frozen to the ground?
1 hour ago
Lovely table; you certainly set a festive mood! Happy St. Patty's Day to you and yours.