Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Babies No More

Well my friends it has happened~our youngest granddaughter turned one last week. We no longer have any babies to snuggle with, toddlers yes, but no babies. Where did the year go? Could it be major life changes happening-such as two moves and another one on the horizon(no we are not moving). Our sweet little E, such a mirror image of her mama, is embarking on being a walking toddler. We celebrated on Saturday and unfortunately Kim's family were all sick so couldn't join us. It was such a wonderful evening! All of Carrie's kiddos have resembled her, but E has the same facial mannerisms and expressions that her mom had as a little one. It is like stepping back in time. She is such a sweet girl and she already loves dogs. Her laughter is contagious and she is adored by her family and the whole clan. Sister and brother are trying to teach her to rip open the wrapping paper; I think she has a handle on it.
Nana made sure to buy at least one present that was a dog.  She loved this little purse and it almost looks like Lily.

It brings back so many memories to watch her; the years pass so quickly. 

We had a great time together.  Today is going to be really warm here, so I'm hoping that we will be going to the pool.  We are still searching for a home for Kim and her family; waiting upon our Lord  to lead us to one. 
Hubby is off golfing today, so I'm thinking I may iron some fabric and start cutting for my Alaska quilt, I bought last August.  I am anxious to begin sewing again; but next week we have my brother & sister of my heart coming for a visit.  Best take advantage of sewing time while I can. 
I hope you have a splendid day!


  1. I'm not one yet, so I could come snuggle with you! And sit on Hunter's ottoman. :)
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  2. Isn't she precious....Happy Birthday E!

  3. The years go by quickly. What a cute little grand girl!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. awww…. what a sweet post and such good pictures!

  5. She's such a cutie. They grow too fast. My youngest grand just turned 2 and she's the last. I cannot believe there will be no more babies in the house :( Enjoy every moment! Blessings, Cindy

  6. What an adorable grand baby.
    they grow so quickly I hate it.

    Tealyn is now 7 months..
    I want to hold on to these precious months....

  7. She is adorable. They grow up way too fast, don't they?

    Hope you got to work on your quilt a bit today. It was cool here today and cloudy- xo Diana

  8. ohhh sooo cute and kissable!

  9. How times flies and what a doll she is. So glad you had a nice time. Stay cool now. It is hot here too but sadly no pool for us. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. Precious! T#4 reminds me SO MUCH of her mama ... it just takes my breath away. And oh my, they grow up so quickly, don't they? Each age brings so much joy, though ... I think that lessens the "blow".

  11. Can't believe she and Luke are already a year! Where on earth did that year go? She is just adorable Noreen. How blessed you are to be able to be around them all so much. Happy birthday to her!

  12. I honestly cannot believe how fast the time goes! What a cute little one! Her purse is so cute! You are lucky to have all of your kids right there with you.


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14