Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Yesterday I met my good friend, Avril, for lunch and look what she brought me.  Her mom had seen Caryl and got us two signed copies of her book, Maxdog.  You may remember that I shared with Avril that I was a cyber friend of Caryl and found out that they had been neighbors in South Africa.  After telling Avril about Caryl, she was able to reconnect with Caryl-only a God thing!  I got this just in time for our plane  flight today and can't wait to read this story.  Caryl has touched many lives via her blog, including mine, during a time when I was still grieving the loss of my beloved Sadie.  I will treasure this book always as well as my friendships with both Avril and of course Caryl.  Thank you Caryl for autographing my copy!  A big thank you to Avril and her mom, for sending this book stateside.

Tomorrow we leave our cold Colorado and head to northern California, our old home state; we will be seeing family and then on Friday heading to the area shown below-lovely and beautiful Carmel.  The winter landscape in northern California is always so green and lush-almost like Ireland and we are excited to be going back. 
After Carmel, we will head up north to the wine country to stay with our best friends and neighbors.  Yes, we do miss the beauty of the wine country but not the stress and expense of living there.  We will be taking photos along the way and I hope to be able to borrow a computer to post while we are away. 
I'm not sure how much blog hopping I'll be doing but don't worry, I'll see you when we get back.
Blessings on your week, Noreen


  1. Have a wonderful time. Looks beautiful. I used to love visiting California when I was younger and my sisters lived there.
    Love the precious doggie book.
    Love you, too!

  2. Good morning! No. California is soo beautiful! Enjoy every minute of it my friend, and I pray for safe travels and beautiful weather! Thank you soo much for all your help and suggestions yesterday. We will see how it goes...I am growing weary of not feeling good truthfully, but I am resting in knowing the Lord is in control. Hugs, Debbie

  3. I am so glad you were able to get the book; isn't that just like God to give you such a sweet gift from sweet friends....

    I hope you have a wonderful trip. It sound like so much fun....

  4. What a wonderful gift. Have fun! Such pretty photos!!!

  5. Ahhhh, another vagabond! Enjoy your travels.


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14