Monday, August 24, 2020

A Camping We Will Go

 Happy Monday Friends,  Just checking in quickly as we get everything ready to head out to our favorite lake for a day or so.  We can't leave til lunch time as I've got a virtual appointment with a doctor; I tried it Friday and it didn't work.  While I was waiting for the doctor to get online my cell rang, but there was no caller ID and I didn't answer it.  It was the doctor checking in because he couldn't see my online.  

I hope you are all surviving the last weeks of summer; it is still in the high 90's here and even hit 100.  Our air is very bad due to our five wildfires and all the smoke coming from California.  Hoping to escape a little at the campsite.  I'll take some photos, though they never are very exciting.




  1. Hi Noreen,
    I'm kind of fifty fifty on all this telemedicine stuff. I really like not having to go into the office on the other hand if the technology doesn't work it's a pain and the doctor can't really check you out of there's an issue... I hope you can get away from the smoke for a bit. I'm sure it will be a nice welcome change if only for a little while...

  2. I had to give up on the virtual dr visit and bite the bullet, show up in person. It was okay but there are so many precautions it's all exhausing. Take good care and stay safe~


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14