Happy Thursday to you! I hope your week has been blessed and that today you are counting your blessings. I've had a great week, one filled with spending time sewing inside due to the two storms we got earlier in the week. Last night hubby and I had his annual dinner with the other seniors that he works with at the golf course. It was really nice. Today I was just sitting down to write this and glanced at my right hand, specifically at my original wedding band. I had noticed yesterday that one of four prongs we bent upward and we talked about going to the jewelers to have it fixed. Can you imagine my shock this morning when I looked down and saw that the center diamond was missing. Mind you it wasn't a huge stone at all, but after 41 years it is still very special. I've gone through what I wore last night, my pj's and have crawled around the floor looking for it as well as checking in our bed. Of course, I've prayed that the Lord would lead me to it. It is not the end of the world, but makes me disappointed I didn't take the ring off when I noticed the prone was up. I never take my rings off at night-just when I clean them. So I'll go check downstairs, we had to wipe the windows down from the condensation this morning. If I don't find it, I'll be fine...it's just the sentimental value that it holds. So girls, check your rings and fine jewelry. I still have so much to be grateful for~a wonderful life, an incredible husband that has been by my side through thick and thin, two incredible daughters who are best friends plus their hubbies who are more like sons than son in laws, 11 grandchildren who bless me continually, countless numbers of friends who I delight in, pups that bring me joy, an incredible home to live in, a beautiful state that is not suffering the wildfires like California. It's a great life filled with blessings from above. Count yours today!
Blessings on your day!
Fun and Easy Shamrock Wreath
7 hours ago
Oh no-I'm so sorry! I had the same thing happen to me a number of years ago. I was helping my husband move our freezer out the back door and scraped my left hand across the brick around the doorway. I didn't notice until later that the diamond from my engagement ring was gone. I was crushed-he was 18 when he brought it for me! We retraced steps and searched everywhere, then something in the corner of the doorway caught my eye-there was the diamond caught in a spiderweb of all things! I told him it was a good thing I wasn't a great housekeeper! Hope you find it!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry. Praying that it may show up. I looked down at my ring years ago when I was at church and saw the diamond missing. Thankfully I found it on the floor in front of me. ((Hugs))
ReplyDeleteOH I am so sorry, Noreen, A suggestion, vacuum the floor with a new bag, then check.I will pray you find it, I can only imagine how much it means to you.
ReplyDeleteYou absolutely have a wonderful, beautiful family., I too am counting my blessings.
Thank you of visiting and for your sweet comment.
Sorry to hear about your ring! Love reading about your blessings........