Good morning friends, The cold weather is due to arrive tonight, complete with snow; let me just say for the record that I'm enjoying fall and not ready for snow. This last year our mini quilt group embarked on a challenge to make all the squares in Eleanor Burns latest book. The blocks were all the same, size and color choice was ours. I had left over Log Cabin blocks from the quilt on our bed that I made about 4 years ago, so decided to go with those colors. As you can see my choice of colors was from the line Kansas Troubles.
I will say that it was indeed a challenge and I've learned a lot about what I still need to learn. I will also admit that I did not finish all the blocks, for two reasons~the first was that I had all the necessary blocks for the lap size quilt and secondly I started working on Susan's surprise quilt. Now that I've got this together, I can honestly say I probably won't make the other two blocks; I have five left over and will put those into a table runner or topper. I had pondered having this machine quilted, but decided I so love hand quilting that I'm sticking with that. If this was a better quilt top I would have taken it-like I said I still have to undue and master some bad habits I've gotten into in the past, so want to really focus on precision and a tidy back.
I've off today to go with a dear friend to pick up her wall hanging she just had quilter and then errands and one days homework on my ladies study.
Hope you have a great day!
Fun and Easy Shamrock Wreath
4 hours ago
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