Monday, April 1, 2019

Take Me To The Mountains

Happy April to you! If you are one of those folks who indulge in Practical Jokes, watch out-you might be next. Yesterday afternoon hubby and I took a drive up to Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park; Estes was so deserted, though there were a few tourists but not what we are used to. Due to last weeks snow, we couldn't get into the area we wanted to hike. It was fine, we just did the loop through the park looking for wildlife. You can see by these photos storm clouds were moving in.
Mule Deer were the only wildlife we saw; they are pretty scrawny, I'm sure because of the lack of vegetation.

It was an enjoyable drive; my heart sings when we go up there.  Today has been busy, but productive.
Tomorrow I'm planning on spending the day sewing, other than a meeting with our financial manager.
I hope you have a great first week of April!


  1. Noreen, the mountains are beautiful and majestic! The mule deer look really scrawny. Have a wonderful week!

  2. So fun to soak in your mountain views! Thanks for sharing God's creation in CO.


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14