Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Only In Colorado

Hello friends~yesterday we had a beautiful, warm day-it was 80 degrees and our hope for spring was truly there.  About a month ago, we got a storm from California and it was a big one-they called it a Cyclone Bomb, with blizzard conditions.  So when the news kept telling us we were in for another, those hopes of spring quickly disintegrated. Thankfully, hubby and I got out early to the gym and grocery store, prior to the snow.  We've been told that the snow will not hurt out spring bulbs and shrubs, but I'll see.
I'm heading downstairs now to sew. Later we will watch a couple of movies that we got.
I know it will move east from here, so hope that it doesn't hit you too hard.


  1. Wow, snow again! Everyone's been hit pretty hard this year across the country with weather issues.

  2. Noreen, Stay warm. Glad you got moving early as the storm was coming your way. I hope we do not see any more snow. We are to have threats of storms and high winds. Blessings, hoping for flowers soon. xoxo, Susie

  3. Well that's just plain weird! C'mon already, let spring come and stay!! I hope you're staying safe and warm in the meantime.


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14