Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Good Morning Friends, I hope that you are all well and enjoying this week~hard to believe December is knocking at the door! Over the weekend, hubby took these with his phone, of the sunset one evening. They are grand!

I'm off to the gym and then to Pannera to get treats for a road trip I'm taking tomorrow.  Four friends and I will be leaving at 8:00 to head out to a Canyon to visit with a gal from my friend's church.  When I get home in the afternoon I'm taking three granddaughters out; one has her 10th birthday coming up, which means that Nana takes her out for a new outfit.  Two cousins are coming too-it's always more fun that way.
We are also heading to some friend's house for dinner; all this is to say I'm sure I won't get to post.  I may get some photos of the canyon and the gal's collection of antique clothing, furniture and quilts.
I hope you have a blessed day today!


  1. Busy lady:)

    We just left KB's blog with all the gorgeous Colorado sunrises, and now your amazing sunsets!!! Maybe we need to move a little further west.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. We do have some beautiful skies in the west!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. Oh, those pictures are just wonderful! God's handiwork on display and captured in such a beautiful way! It sounds like you are in for a special day with your friends and granddaughters! Enjoy every second, my friend, and may God bless and protect you and bring you home safe!

  4. You sounds busy and that's a good thing. The photos are stunning.


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14