Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Almost Done

Happy Wednesday to you. I spent yesterday inside, all day sewing~or at least a good portion of the day, but also did some cleaning. As I put this pic on the post, I realized that my picture taking abilities with the IPhone need to be improved, or at the least not rushed. I took the photo to send to my dear friend/quilting mentor/traveling companion Barbara, without any thought of posting it here. The top is not quite finished, I still have to put a 1" border on before I layer it and quilt it. I had thought to machine quilt it, but it is bigger than I anticipated-so it will be hand quilted. So much easier, faster and more enjoyable for me.  This was a kit I got in New England, to remember our trip by.  I love the pattern and fabrics; I did add some fabric from stash.

I had hoped to have it finished in time to enjoy before Black Friday rolls around, but now that is looking doubtful. I did finish hand quilting my four placemats and hope to get the binding on today; at least those will be able to stay out for a week or so.
This morning hubby and I will head to the gym; I can honestly say that while I don't get that rush from working out like many get from running, I do look forward to going(unless it is snowing outside).  I know that it will help my bones get stronger and benefit me in many different ways, especially during winter when the lack of activity shows in my weight.
I hope you have a great day today!
Joy to you.


  1. Noreen, the quilt is absolutely beautiful. I envy you that talent..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

  2. What a pretty, pretty quilt. And, yes, I agree, working out in some fashion is really, really good for us.

  3. Oh, what an amazingly beautiful quilt! SO pretty! You do such a wonderful job! Thank you for your sweet visit to my blog. God bless you!

  4. Just popped in to catch up on your blog - your quilt top is beautiful and look forward to seeing it when done. Love the Shaker village photo's and all those fall colors. The photo of you guys just needs to be cropped closer if you want to use that as part of your holiday card. Snow - I want some - love to nest in my sewing room and watch the flakes fall. Have a great turkey day! Katie


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14