Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Good Morning to you. It's outdoor Wednesday and I thought I'd share a photo from my walk with Hunter this morning.

As you can see, the storm clouds are hanging around; threatening rain and thunder/lightning. I was glad to get out to walk, without getting soaked. Last night we had a huge lightning storm that lit up the skies for several hours. I will say that we have a wonderful view,due to open spaces and lots of windows.
This photo is so dark and I wasn't able to enhance it like I wanted but there is a Pelican sitting on a log.  Hunter is so used to them that he doesn't even stop to look closely.
Hubby is coming home today, so I've got to get out and run errands, as well as hitting the grocery store.
It is always so good to have him home; I know he loves his golf trips and needs them, but I love it when he gets back.  There is still much to do around the house-more boxes in the storage area that need to be unpacked.  I hope you have a great day today!
Noreen & Hunter


  1. Blimey hope the storms pass quickly. We are due anther tomorrow. Hope they are right and likewise they start after our walk. By the way forgot to say re The Good Wife no did not see that one coming if you were referring to the court room shooting.
    Enjoy your time with hubby. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Beautiful body of water!
    We are hoping for storms tonight --- well, not for the severe stuff, but we're still in severe drought status, so some rain would be much appreciated!

  3. Glad everyone is settling in and that hubby will be home soon. I love a great thunderstorm, but unfortunately my dog Hailey does not!

  4. What a great picture, Noreen. I hope that your hubby got home safe and sound and that you got some more unpacking done! xo Diana

  5. Glad you were able to avoid getting soaked. Amazing that you have pelicans there ... I thought they were sea birds.

  6. What a beautiful and peaceful looking place. I do see the pelican and he is so awesome. There's just something about a storm, isn't there? I don't mean the terrible devastating ones. I do enjoy a good thunderstorm though.
    Blessings, dear friend.

  7. Oh, that pelican on a log is fun! We don't have those around here, put a smile on my face.
    How is the unpacking going? Just take you time. You will find just the right spot for everything sooner or later. How do you like it now that you have been there a bit?
    Got any flowers blooming?


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