Friday, May 30, 2014

Movie Reviews

Happy Friday to you!   I meant to post this yesterday, but got distracted with all the things happening here.  This week, due to reruns on t.v., hubby and I rented to videos to watch.  The first one was The Book Thief and though I knew what the basic story was,  I was surprised at the story line. What an incredible movie!  Hubby stays away from movies that portray the Holocaust, so I was surprised when he wanted to rent this movie.  It dealt with the tragedy in a subtle way and we loved the plot. 
The second movie we watched was The Monument Men and again this was another incredible movie with an all star cast.  I have read about the art being stolen during WWII, but found this movie to be riveting.  So if you are looking for some good flicks this weekend,  we would highly recommend these two.  In fact, I lent The Monument Men to my bff to watch and she loved it too. I've told both my girls that they need to watch these as well.
I hope you have a wonderful day today!  We are off to buy a plant and leave it at our old house with a Welcome Home note for the new family; we have to sign final papers in an hour. 
Joy to you!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Happy Thursday to you!  I've got a full morning/day today with walking with my bff, then probably going to the pool with one daughter and her kiddos.  This afternoon we have to drop off mail to the former owners of our nest, then we'll be heading out to dinner at a new restaurant.
Tomorrow we close on our old house; not sure what we'll be doing after that.  Things are slowing a bit concerning putting our daughter's home on the market~the house we wanted for them has gone under contract and their really isn't anything for sale currently. Because the house they are in is an investment property, we must trade it or pay Uncle Sam lots of $$$$, so those of you who are prayer warriors, I would cherish extra prayers for this whole process.  If daughter and her family aren't supposed to move that is fine with us, I just want all the details to fall into place. 
I am so thankful that we all live so close now; we'd like them just around the corner but all things work together for good.
I hope you've had a great week.  Hard to believe we are ushering May out and welcoming June.
Blessings to you!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Spring in Colorado

Good Morning Friends~I've mentioned before that spring here in northern Colorado, on the plains, makes life interesting. I imagine it is much like spring on the plains, in other states. We have beautiful mornings and then the clouds roll in, the rain starts joined by thunder and lightning. Here are a few pics from Monday. Love the intensity of the clouds and the vibrant blue sky.
In the photo below, I loved how the dark band looked like a ribbon just laying above the white.    These pics were taken from the car, which helps to understand why they are off kilter a bit.
As much as I enjoy the clouds, I also look for a change in colors and movement-always alert for any possible signs of tornado activity.  In our area, we don't have sirens like some parts of the state-and after having been in a pretty big one, I know what to look for.
Yesterday afternoon, I joined our kids at the pool; it was such fun, until the thunder ushered us out of the pool.  Today I'm sure we'll do the same thing, after hubby and I clean our old house.  We are scaling back a bit on the cleaning-but it will still be nice and fresh when we hand over the keys to the new owners. 
I hope you have a great day today! 
Noreen & Hunter

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Happy Tuesday Friends. Happy first day of summer to all of you who have kids home still.  It is beautiful here today and so warm; my girls and I are planning on going to the pool this afternoon.
Our weekend was so busy but we fit in an end of the year program by the grands and also a family bbq yesterday. In the meantime we are up to our ears in house stuff-finishing little things here and also helping daughter & sil to prepare for putting their house on the market. I can honestly say, that when all of this is finished we will finally be able to take it easy. Oh yes, our old house closes on Friday so we need to go over and give it one last cleaning-you know polish floors, wash windows, scrub counters etc etc.  We will do that tomorrow, early , as it in supposed to me in the mid 80's. 
I hope you had a great Memorial Day, filled with gratitude for those you have given so much, past and present.
Hugs today.
Noreen & Hunter

Friday, May 23, 2014

Craziness Again

Happy Friday friends~For many it will be a long weekend, filled with relaxing days and maybe a bbq.
Just about the time we are settling in and feeling comfortable, a decision has been made to put our youngest daughter's house on the market and try to find her family one closer to us and her sister.  If anyone would have suggested, last Oct., that the three families would be moving by the summer, we would have told them they were crazy; maybe hubby and I, but surely not our girls families.  The next month should be interesting;  in two and a half weeks we will know more for sure-can't say much until then. 
This morning started out nice; I took Hunter on a walk and we met three dogs being walked,who were friendly to him.  Then I joined hubby at our old house and we worked on the yard; mainly hubby worked on the yard.  Then we came home, had lunch and had to meet with our realtor about the potential of putting our youngest's house on the market.  This afternoon, I have to go to our community pool and get a pass; it will be nice having a pool around the corner during the warm summer days.
Tonight, our grands put on a year end presentation-filled with reports and art. 
The rest of the weekend looks pretty open, maybe a run to Costco, as well as a family bbq on Monday. Our weather is still typical for this time of year-warm and nice in the mornings with clouds and showers in the afternoon.  I'm hoping that the rain will let up a bit, there is already so much water flowing down the major rivers without the snow melting.  It could be a bad year for those who live near those rivers. 
I hope you have a great afternoon and evening.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Book Review on Dee Henderson's "Undetected"

Dee Henderson's books are some of my favorites. I was excited to read her latest work, Undetected.

Here is a synopsis of the story:  "When asked what he does for a living Commander Mark Bishop is deliberately low-key: "I'm in the Navy." But commanding the ballistic missile submarine USS Nevada, keeping her crew trained and alert during ninety-day submerged patrols, and being prepared to launch weapons on valid presidential orders, carries a burden of command like few other jobs in the military. Mark Bishop is a man who accepts that responsibility, and handles it well. And at a time when tensions are escalating around the Pacific Rim, the Navy is glad to have him. Mark wants someone to come home to after sea patrols. The woman he has in mind is young, with a lovely smile, and very smart. She's a civilian, yet she understands the U.S. Navy culture. And he has a strong sense that life with her would never be boring. But she may be too deep in her work to see the potential in a relationship with him. Gina Gray would love to be married. She has always envisioned her life that way. A breakup she didn't see coming, though, has her focusing all her attention on what she does best--ocean science research. She's on the cusp of a major breakthrough, and she needs Mark Bishop's perspective and help. Because what she told the Navy she's figured out is only the beginning. If she's right, submarine warfare is about to enter a new and dangerous chapter...."

For many of us who read Dee's early works and series of The O'Malley Family and her other series, we became so familiar with the characters-they were almost like family to us.  In recent years, Dee writing style has changed and matured giving us more substantial stories.  I enjoyed this book and it gave me a glimpse into a life in the Navy that I am not familiar with.  It was not a quick read, as some of her other books have been and it didn't make me wonder what would happen in the next book.  Her story line was suspenseful and showed a new reality with science. 
I would give this book a 5 star rating. You can find it available online or at your favorite bookstore.
I was provided this book without any compensation from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing for my honest review.  Thank you Bethany House for this program.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Good Morning to you. It's outdoor Wednesday and I thought I'd share a photo from my walk with Hunter this morning.

As you can see, the storm clouds are hanging around; threatening rain and thunder/lightning. I was glad to get out to walk, without getting soaked. Last night we had a huge lightning storm that lit up the skies for several hours. I will say that we have a wonderful view,due to open spaces and lots of windows.
This photo is so dark and I wasn't able to enhance it like I wanted but there is a Pelican sitting on a log.  Hunter is so used to them that he doesn't even stop to look closely.
Hubby is coming home today, so I've got to get out and run errands, as well as hitting the grocery store.
It is always so good to have him home; I know he loves his golf trips and needs them, but I love it when he gets back.  There is still much to do around the house-more boxes in the storage area that need to be unpacked.  I hope you have a great day today!
Noreen & Hunter

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

It's Tuesday and I don't have much going on here today. I am watching some of the grands, while mama goes to the hair salon.  Hunter will be happy, because he will be playing with Lily.  I also have to get our bags ready for the Vietnam Vets pickup tomorrow.  Most of the things that didn't sell will be donated.  I even found some more tops that I'm adding in; I kept a lot of dress tops from my banking days.  I got a fair amount of work done yesterday in my sewing room; it is starting to look organized. I did say starting;  I have more to do though.  One outdoor activity I did yesterday was to go on a bike ride with a good friend who lives a block or two away.  I can't believe this is only the second time I've been out-boy where has this spring gone? We went by another friends home to say hello and see how she is doing; her hubby was diagnosed this March with stage 4 lung cancer.  She said her days mimic her hubby's day; yesterday she seemed(that is the key word-seemed)o.k., but one just never knows.  Having walked thru a parallel journey with my sister 9 yrs ago, I realize that you can hold it together on the outside but be dying inside. 
I've been trying to get around to say hi to everyone, as time allows. 
I hope you have a day filled with contentment and joy!
Noreen & Hunter

Monday, May 19, 2014

Warmer Weather

Greetings from beautiful Colorado! Our weather is finally, yes finally, warming up a bit. Not as much as I'd like, but the 70's are good(however as I type this the wind has come up again). Hunter got groomed today and we went a bit shorter in some areas that tend to mat easily. I think he looks so cute; but I am prejudiced. Hunter doesn't like going to the groomers, but once I leave, I am told he stops shaking.

Since hubby is away, having fun on his golf trip, I decided I should have some fun to; off to the nail spa I went. I usually only get a Pedi once in the spring, before sandal weather; however, since hubby was gone, I thought I'd spoil myself. It was pure relaxation; I may have to do this every several months-just to keep my feet looking nice.
The rest of the day will be spent continuing to organize my sewing room, maybe planting a hydrangea and possibly a walk.  There are endless things to tackle, but my time is my own and I can go as fast or slow as I want. 
I hope you had a good weekend; got to say our garage sale was a big success.  Usually, I don't come close to even making $50.00 but this time I made about $200.  Yippee.   I only bought one item-it was from a neighbor and is a white wicker loveseat for the sunroom.  Initially I only wanted a chair but they made me a deal, I just couldn't pass it up. 
Have a fabulous Monday friends!
Noreen & Hunter

Friday, May 16, 2014

Dog Treats

Happy Friday to you! Today, my daughters and I are having a huge yard sale; hopefully everything will sell and we won't need to call our local charity to come get what's left. Yesterday, Hunter got a new package from Mr. Chewy. We love the blogger program and it give us a chance to try different treats out on Hunter, without spending a lot. Hunter is a very picky eater, so this program is a win/win situation. Here he is investigating the box.

Hunter loves Salmon and would be happy to have it daily. The only drawback with this product is that it has a very strong smell.
You can give these as treats or crumble it over his food.  He is in heaven either way. 
Key Benefits
  • Can be crumbled over food at mealtime
  • Suitable for cats and dogs
  • Grain-free
  • Made from 100% wild-caught salmon
  • Form
    • Freeze-Dried
    • Treats
    Country of Origin
    • United States
    Special Diet
    • Grain-Free
    • Adult
    • All Stages 
Hunter gives this product a
Thank you to Andrew for heading up the blogger program; we are so thankful for you and Mr. Chewy.
 I hope you all have a great weekend!
Noreen &  a very happy Hunter

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I've been showing you our new home and all the fluff & finery, but today I thought I'd show you reality.
For the most part, the majority of our boxes are unpacked or put into the storage area of our basement.  However, this is the last room that really needs some help.  It is my sewing room; last night hubby and I began putting together my craft/cutting table(pictured on the left, leaning against the wall.  I've got about six large boxes that need to be unpacked and put into my bookshelf.  After our garage sale this weekend, I have another table that will hold a machine or two for our granddaughters.  This was hubby's idea-to get two cheap machines and teach two granddaughters at a time to sew.  Both of our older ones are already sewing but it might be fun to let them practice here, side by side. 
I am finally getting to go out walking with Kam today and I'm thankful. I also have to stop by the post office and get some goodies in the mail to Cindy Cain and Nellie Todd for winning my "Where am I contest".  A bit of time with the grands and then I'll be home; hopefully unpacking. 
I hope you have a wonderful day today! 
Blessings to you~

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Outdoor Tuesday

Good Morning to you!  I am hoping that this weeks schedule and lack of moving will enable me to get back into blogland with both feet.  I am looking at blue skies, the Rockies capped in snow and green fairways on the golf course.  It is still cold, but I'm thankful the white stuff is gone.  I had planned to walk with Kam today, but she is a tad under the weather, which means I'll be unpacking more boxes.  It is down to mainly my sewing room.  You won't believe it, but our development has a annual garage sale and its this weekend-which means I've got to gather all my things up and get them ready.  Our girls will be joining me so it will make it more doable and fun. 
Hunter is so happy here and even though we have wrought iron fences in the back yard, with golfers going by, he doesn't seemed bothered at all. Maybe it is a visual thing for him; whatever reason hubby and I are happy he isn't barking non-stop.  I heard Coyotes for the first time Sat. night and they didn't sound at all like I expected them to sound. 
I hope you have a great day today and accomplish all that is on your list. 
Noreen & Hunter

Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Monday to you! I've got to say that moving has kept me so busy that I feel like I'm on a merry-go-round; my brain is spinning as I try to multitask. More than once over the last week, I've gotten to an appt. early or today, one week early. I'm hoping that as boxes finished being unpacked and life settles that my brain will begin to function normally. So this is what Colorado is giving us; many of us are so unhappy! California is having unheard of heat waves in May and we are getting some snow. Seriously Colorado; I guess since many are getting tornadoes, the white stuff isn't so bad.
This is the front of our home; my tulips are looking pretty sad.
Can you tell that Hunter has settled in well? He is in whatever room I am in.
Our front powder room; the wall hanging warms this space up.
Our guest room; it is larger than I thought it was.
The antique dresser we refinished and also one of my father-in-laws seascapes. It seemed to go with the new lamps on the nightstands.
The wall decor used to be one of two in our old kitchen, above the cabinets. I was searching for something to go above the rock and mantel; walked past this in the garage and decided to try it. I love the look.

I will continue to share more with you as we settle in.
I have to tell you about Hunter's annual vet check on Friday,  with a warning for all you dog owners. This was the second time he's gone in for his shots; he didn't have an issue last year, but I learned something this year. Maybe it is his size, all of 13 lbs. or maybe he is just super sensitive. So we had his check up and he is so healthy; the tech takes him into the back room to give him a Rabies shot, as well as Distemper and also Bordetella. They told me he'd be sore and he could have a reaction; I just didn't think he'd have a bad reaction.  By the evening he was really sore and stiff and right about bedtime, he started shivering uncontrollably.  In fact, when we got into bed I put him next to me so he could warm up. He was so uncomfortable, restless and couldn't settle down.  At some points he would calm down only to sit up after a bit, panting heavily with his heart beating so hard I could feel it.  I was so worried and both hubby and I were awake almost all night with him.  In the morning, I called the vet right away and they said he just had a reaction and next time I should get pain meds for him.  Seriously, if he needs heavy pain meds, it makes me think there is a problem with the shots.  I researched shots all Sat. and even put out a request from the Bichon club I belong too.  What I found out is that shots should never be given together.  I know shots are very controversial and I've stopped some of them because they weren't necessary.  I guess many vets give them all at one time, for ease and convenience.  Well in the future, Hunter will be getting one shot at  a time; if the vet doesn't respect our decisions, we'll find another vet who will.  I used to think that Distemper was only for cats; guess I need to do some more research.  I was told that the vet can do a blood test to check levels and if a vaccine is really needed; somehow I think our vet would charge a lot for this test.  So, if you vaccinate your dog(most states require Rabies; here there have been several cases, so I think it is understandable), make sure you research the interactions of shot and the possible side effects for your dog. I have heard of dogs dying for reactions to the shots. 
I'll get off my soap box now; just scared the pants off of us.  Thankfully, he is back to normal and Lily has gone home to her pack. 
Have a delightful Monday!
Hugs,  Noreen & Hunter

Friday, May 9, 2014

Happy Friday Friends~Here in northern Colorado it is foggy and cold. Our typical spring weather is here, complete with lots of rain, thunder and lightning. This Sunday's forecast is for snow; this is why the locals say never to plant until after Mother's Day. We will be celebrating Mother's Day Monday evening, because our oldest daughter and family will be on the road heading home from Ca. So today I thought I'd share a few rooms in our new home. You must understand that there are paintings and art work everywhere, as well as lots of boxes. I plan to spend today just working on boxes and getting some laundry done. So here is our dining room; hubby got our Thomas Kincaid paintings hung yesterday because our friends were coming over for dinner. They were sweet enough to bring Chinese food from our favorite restaurant. We had a great meal and laughed so much!
This is our living room; I love this fireplace, we even had it on last night because it was so cold.
Can you see Hunter over on my chair?  This chair had been in my sewing room at the old house, but I wanted to mix up textures and not just have leather here, so the leather chair and ottoman are now in our master bedroom. 
I will be sure to take more photos to share, but so many of you have been asking so thought I'd give you a peak.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and fantastic Mother's Day.
Noreen & Hunter

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thankful Thursday

I can't believe it is already Thursday; life has been such a whirlwind and will remain that way for probably another week or so.  I want to live a life of gratitude and thanksgiving each and every day; let me begin today.
I am so thankful for this home!  We are in and although there are lots of boxes in each room, it is comfortable and welcoming.  I am so thankful that the dogs are doing so well, adjusting to a new environment could have taken more time than it did.   I am thankful that our wifi is up and working!
I am thankful for the rain, thunder and lightning storms we've had; reminds me that it is this time of year.
I am so very thankful for all the many, many blessings in our lives.
Today I'm getting my hair cut, taking my bff to lunch as a thank you for watching our house while we were on vacation.  In between these two times, I'm hoping to get some of the things left at our old house loaded into my car; we do need our pots and pans to cook.  This afternoon, hubby and I have an errand to run and then maybe, if I'm lucky, my girl Kim will be over to help unpack some more.  Tonight, some dear friends(two couples) are bringing dinner for us; it will be wonderful to share our home with them. I hope it is the first of many dinners here.  For now, I've got to go get ready; I am so very thankful for the wonder of blogging and how much you all have enriched my life.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Outdoor Wednesday

Well, amidst the boxes and unpacking, Hunter has made himself comfortable in his new yard.  I think he will love this home and yard; we are so thankful that he hasn't been barking up a storm every time a golf cart goes by.  This is one of the large sitting stones in front of the fireplace-think he'll utilize it.  He also loves our upper deck and the chairs and love seat. 
I hope you have a great day today.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tired Pups

Well, as I said yesterday we are having movers coming today to load up all our big furniture. This will be short and sweet, but I wanted to show you how the dogs are after a full day of play.

They have both settled in nicely to the new house and there is a puppy next door that they just go out and watch. They are so good together. By the end of the evenings, hubby and I look just as tired. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Noreen, Hunter and Lily

Monday, May 5, 2014

Our Last Day

Happy Monday to you! I am happy to say that hubby and I are back home with Hunter and Lily. Lily will be here for a week and Hunter is pleased as pie that she is. Our flights were easy and instead of spending seven hours in the airport for our connecting flight, hubby booked us a room; we were able to get about six hours of sleep, which is more than we would have gotten in the airport. The dogs were so excited to see us-but that is a story for tomorrow. On Thursday, hubby and I did some last minute shopping and then I took him to Paco's Tacos in Kapaa for lunch. It was another great lunch of fish tacos, they had lots of other items too. They have been written up on Top 10 Vacation Eats by the New York Times. After lunch, we headed to a beach we had been to before; we thought we knew the name of the beach, but ended up mistaken. After we walked it, looking for a specific heritage trail and not finding it, we saw two Monk Seals in the water.
This is juvenile female-she was so beautiful.

We don't know enough about seal behavior to know whether they were just wrestling and playing or if something else was going on. 
They were so cute; of course I called Val to alert her, so she could let the volunteers know.  It would have helped if I had the right name of the beach.  We've been going to Kauai for ten years now,  you'd think we'd be a little more informed.
This is why we weren't sure if there was mating going to happen.  I didn't get any photos of the female rolling over on her back, as if to say "come on over big fella"-but it certainly looked as if she were interested.
Isn't she just the cutest seal! 
Love this shot.  I love the seals and  would have spent more time watching them, with Val, if I could have.  The weeks went by so quickly, but Hunter was calling me back.
We arrived home on Sat. and went over to the house to check on things and open up the windows.  Yesterday, we went over in the morning and moved some things downstairs, with the help of our sil; after lunch, hubby had to go to work, so I went back with the dogs and unpacked a lot of the kitchen boxes and two for our guest room.  Hubby called me and told me he was heading home and going to bbq, so the dogs and I closed the house up and headed home.  Today, we have an appraiser coming to appraise the house for the buyers and then the buyers are coming over to take some measurements.
In the afternoon, we have Comcast coming over to set up our internet and t.v.'s.  Tuesday we have movers coming to move the big furniture and then we will be staying there. 
 We had some great luck with Craig's List this weekend~our sil sold our Kayak and we sold our old couch and recliner. 
Hope you have a terrific Monday!  I'm hoping by Wednesday, I will be able to get back around to  you all and say hello.
Happy Monday to you. Last week I shared the places we went to on Kauai and the great times we had.  I had forgotten to tell you about our drive home one evening, it could have turned out totally different than it did and I'm so thankful for angels watching over us.
We had spent the evening listening to a Celtic band in an Irish pub-of all things on Kauai. It was dusk out and our friend Glenn was driving; I was looking out the side window.  All of the sudden Glenn swerves the car to the right and everyone is raising their voices; there was a bump and by this time my heart is racing and my blood pressure is rising.  Kauai is know for its ferrel pigs and boars; a boar decided to cross the road, right as we were passing.  It was a huge boar, although I didn't see it the others did.  Thankfully, he was tagged on the rear end(I could start in on some of the jokes about pork but won't)and he spun around several times but trotted off in the bushes.  When we got back to the condos, we all checked the front of the car for damages-none.  The next day the guys checked the car again and no scrapes or anything.  They also went right by the spot where this occurred and there was no sign of an injured animal. I am thankful that the animal didn't get killed and that there were no other cars on the road, no damage to the car and that everyone was o.k. I am also thankful that I had some herbal tea with chamomile to calm me down when we got back to our condo. 

We will be working continually today; new cable company will be hooking up our t.v. and internet.  Tomorrow we have movers coming to move the big pieces of furniture and then the settling in will occur.  I'll be posting photos as I can.
Have a great day!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Going Home

You'll know we are heading home today; since I try not to post photos of the grands to much, I thought I'd share the little pup that we are so anxious to be back with. Isn't he just so cute!!

Until tomorrow~

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Shave Ice

Happy May Day to you! Yesterday was a wonderful day~first I had lunch with Val at this little restaurant and had the best fish tacos I've ever had! We had such a good visit, wish I had more time to hang out with this neat friend. Then in the afternoon, we took our friends down the road a bit to Jo Jo's Shave Ice; it was well worth the drive. Will you look at this concoction. It was the perfect size for one person, but I will admit that I was full when we left. We each had a different flavor and it was fun to see what we all got.

We have been going to Jo Jo's for eight years now; this year there were major changes to the place.  In years past, the door was made of plywood and the interior looked like something from Woodstock or the 60's in the Haight Ashbury.  It has been painted inside and out, was cleared of all the tie dye and t-shirts and looked so big and clean.  Seriously, in the past we would always joke that it looked like a hippie place.  I immediately asked if it had been sold and it hasn't; the owner just got a partner.  The quality was the same incredible shave ice; in fact, it was smoother than the one we got in Kapaa. It was packed as well and when we were driving off, there was a line out the door.
Hubby and I needed a new photo for here and Facebook-so here it is.  I love it!

Today, we will be doing laundry, packing, getting food for the flights-by the time we land in Seattle, everything will be closed and we want to have dinner and snacks ready. 
I hope you have a great day today.  I am not sure whether I will post tomorrow and hopefully can share more photos next week. 