Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oh where, oh where, has my day gone?  Firstly, it is a beautiful and sunny 58 degree day here in Colorado and it almost feels like spring.  The windows are open, I've been cleaning and organizing and even cut back some dead mums.  I've run some errands and barely sat down during lunch; it feels good to accomplish something, even a subtle cleaning of my sewing room.  I still haven't gotten to tracing my quilt pattern on the top but I know that will come, especially if our weather goes back to normal.  I've got my walking in already and just want to enjoy the cool breeze blowing through the windows.  Life is good.  I've so thankful for each day, for the Lord's mighty Hand in my life, for grace and mercy.  I'm thankful for a break over the holidays and times of refreshment.  I'm thankful for the love of family and friends and for those that inspire me in blogland.  I hope you have found much to be thankful for today and each day.  Life is too short not to count our blessings.


  1. WOW! I can't imagine looking out the window and seeing those gorgeous mountains! What a blessing - beautiful!

  2. I am so happy that you have had a wonderful and productive day....always makes us feel good...

    I love your thankful attitude; it is contagious...

  3. Noreen, we are having very similar weather, except we're close enough to the mountains that the warmth is bringing a lot of wind. It's like May in January. I do hope for mountain snow though, because we don't want a drought.
    Blessings from.......Denise

  4. Enjoy the wonderful weather and all His blessings. What a magical time of year it is when we get these little glimpses of warm between the snowstorms.

  5. Oh it just sounds wonderful. Glad you got such a pretty day. Love the feeling of accomplishment huh? HUGS

  6. 58 degrees? Wow...our weather is crazy all over!! Sounds like you are feeling much better too! Hooray!

  7. I still have tulips in my fridge that need to be planted for spring...maybe this warm weather we are having will be my motivation.


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14