Monday, October 6, 2008

Harvest Blessings

In the entry way of our home I have my mothers' antique treadle sewing machine and this is an area where I decorate for the seasons. I love harvest and the changes it brings always finds me unpacking my country decorations. This year is no different even though we aren't in our own home, I'm thankful that I do have a place for the treadle and for the decorations. Last night it rained, something we haven't had much of in Colorado. Today I woke up to bright clear skies but oh my is it windy. My daughter and I took her three little ones on a walk around the neighborhood and by the time we got back to her house I was tired! Although it is quite blustery
it is somewhat refreshing to have cooler days and blue skies. I ran an errand after lunch and noticed there is snow in the mountains, oh it does seem early for it. It is so exciting to experience each new day as it unfolds.


  1. How fun! I have my great grandmother's and my grandmother's Singer treddle sewing machines. They have been refurbished and work wonderfully!


  2. That's a beautiful treddle machine! My sister use to live in Colorado, it gets pretty cold there huh?

  3. Dear Noreen,

    I have my grandmother's treadle sewing machine and it is one of my special treasures. Yours looks beautiful all decorated for the season! Each day is certainly filled with beauty to enjoy!

    Harvest blessings to you!


  4. I just showed Richard your picture of the treadle machine - how fun is this that we keep up with the family on your blog!!

    I also love your quilt on the wall - everything looks beautiful.


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14