Monday, March 11, 2019

Puppies Have Arrived

Yesterday morning, bright and early, Copper delivered 8 healthy puppies in honor of our oldest grandson's 18 birthday. All are red, but two are definitely lighter in color.  Here is Coppers with all of them snuggled up.  I arrived and four had already been born, four more within 45 minutes or so.  Seven  were back to back, but the last one was after Copper had gotten into her whelping box.  They are all adorable.
I believe this was number four.
Our youngest granddaughter has taken to calling the puppy with the pink ribbon Heidi-as my friend's pup from the last litter wore a pink ribbon and was named Heidi.  I love the little guy with the bright green ribbon on-he was the tiniest and is one of the lighter two, though it is hard to tell from this photo.
You can really see it here.  There were a couple of darker red ones.

Our youngest granddaughter Miss E. snuggling with one.  She is so committed to helping and is a great helper.
Copper all tired out.  I am on the rotation, as needed, to help for the first two weeks.  The family has their schedule out as to who takes which time frame.
It will be so fun to see how they grow, if they are the same size as the last litter and eventually what their personalities are.  The puppies were amazing in how much they were getting around today.
It was fun to be there to what Copper whelp-I'm thankful she is so comfortable with me.
Have a great day.


  1. congrats! and welcome to this world little puppies!

  2. They are so precious. Congratulations!

  3. Noreen, what a joy. The cutest little things ever. Just a little bit of lightness for me to see in a day that is so dreary..Happy Monday..Judy

  4. Congratulations!
    What a joy there must be in that home, lots and lots of love!


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