Happy Wednesday to you. I can't believe how tardy I am in posting, but life seems a bit hectic this week. I haven't even walked yet today and not sure if I will or not. Hubby's chiropractor is borrowing hubby's old car and so in exchange, he offered to give me a free adjustment. I have only gone to one chiropractor, back in 1996 and had a very bad experience with it-so swore I'd never let anyone touch my back again. Well, I went today and it was quite interesting and hopefully beneficial.
I will go back and see him on Friday for the results of a scan he did. We also stopped at Target and got a couple of Christmas ornaments; I'm getting more and more in the mood to decorate. The rest of the week is filled with misc. commitments-I volunteer to help with Operation Christmas Child and then of course we will get getting ready for next week.
The weather is still brisk here but so gorgeous, sun is shining and the sky is blue. Are you ready for Thanksgiving? Will you be staying put or heading out? My brother and sil will be here and everyone is so very excited! Our oldest daughter will be hosting the day, plus we will have games to play and memories to make.
May your day be filled with joy today!
spring moments
26 minutes ago
I have seen chiropractors before. The one I have now , will put moist stimulating heat on my lower back before he adjust my spine.. it really helps. Sounds like some fun for Thanksgiving. My girls and grands love to play game too. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
ReplyDeleteI am actually excited for Thanksgiving this year. My brother who lives in Idaho will be coming down for 2 days. We haven't seen him in years so the whole family will be spending lots of time at my other brother's home here in AZ. Enjoy what sunny weather you still have. I'm sure you are cold but aren't you glad you don't live in up state NY and those areas that have gotten more than 6 feet of snow in the past couple days???? Whew!!! Blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteOur family gathered once a year as a group and it is Thanksgiving this year. Excited!