Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Greetings from California my friends,  We arrived yesterday to beautiful weather, green grass and flowers blooming all around-oh what a sight. I had forgotten how absolutely beautiful it is here in winter.  Having been in -14 degree weather yesterday, I packed only long sleeved shirts and sweaters and today had to run to Target to get a short sleeve t-shirt to wear. We are having such fun with my brother and sister-in-love and tonight is our big dinner, I can't wait.  Tomorrow morning I am getting together with one of the my closest friends in high school and college, someone who I lost touch with and haven't seen for 20+ years~another visit that I'm so looking forward to.  I'm taking my camera tonight and tomorrow so I'll have lots to post when I get back.  Tomorrow afternoon we are heading out to our old neighborhood to stay with our friends there.  Before you know it, we'll be jumping on a plane to go home to winter weather.  I do have to say, not enjoying flying as much as some, that although 130 mile an hour winds were predicted for our flight in yesterday, the trip was smooth and not bumpy at all-thank you Lord.
I'm hoping to visit your place today or tomorrow but it may have to wait until Monday-but I'll be by.
Love you lots.


  1. Green???? What is that? :o) YAY that you're out yonder having fun in the green, green world.

  2. Have fun on your trip. I am anxious to see your pictures.
    Be safe.

    Blessings & Hugs

  3. Your in my neck of the woods. Enjoy the nice weather here!

  4. Enjoy! Sounds like you have great plans. Hubby and I are in Las Vegas relaxing. At least it is warmer here than Colorado.

  5. Green grass and flowers blooming...hmmmm...that sounds wonderful..:0)

  6. The weather report no longer says snow on Sunday... just Monday. Hope your day was fun!

    Love you!

  7. Hope you have the most wonderful time !!!!!!!
    Hugs, Ella

  8. Hi -

    Thank you so much for sharing your adventure with us.


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14