Happy Monday All~ I am happy to say that we are all well and the grands are filled with tons of energy.
How was your weekend? Let's see, I had my class on Saturday and that was good plus hubby and I got walks in Friday, Saturday and yesterday did a 3.5 mile walk. By the end of the walk yesterday, my calf muscles were letting me know that I hadn't walked in quite awhile. When we walk in our neighborhood it is generally 2.5-3 miles but this winter I haven't been out very much at all and when I have walked it has been much shorter so I think with exercising my legs are pretty tight. I'm still working on the baby quilt for our friends first grandchild and I also have another that I need to start very soon. So did you all hit the sales this weekend? We didn't, as there isn't much we need, but I know there are some great bargains out there.
Maybe you'll hit the stores today? Our weather has been so wonderful but today is cold and cloudy and snow is forecast for later in the week. Funny thing is that Saturday night we had rain and the only time we have rain is in the summer; it reminded me so much of northern Ca. Other than in the high places, the snow is virtually gone. This photo was taken when we went to the Sierra's one Christmas and I've always loved it.
Have a day filled with joy!!!
Blessings, Noreen
It’s Done
54 minutes ago
God bless you and so glad to read you had a great week-end.
ReplyDeleteMy wk-end was great!!!
Such a gorgeous picture. We had a good soaking rain last night. Week before last we were -25 wind chill with 22 inches of snow....the end of this last week we had a 78 degree day...then a nice rain last night as the temps. plummeted....today we're back to the 30's. CRAZY. I went shopping with our girls when it was nice and we went to an outdoor shopping area in KC. We walked ALOT and even my booty was cramping and sore....didn't wear the best shoes as I didn't know what we were doing. I had to call my friendly physical therapist to get some stretching hints to help....my husband was laughing at me pretty hard. Noreen hope your abiding is sweet today my friend!
ReplyDeleteMorning Noreen :) Sounds like a wonderful weekend for you! We did hit some of the sales. My husband needed a new pair of work pants because he caught another flight out this morning but Praise the Lord he will be home tomorrow! We ended up getting him some jeans and shirts and boy did we get a bargain!!! Even my husband was amazed LOL
ReplyDeleteI am hoping we don't have any more snow! I am done! When we were at our tax appt. the guy told us that one of the almanacs was predicting another HUGE snowfall like worse than the one we just had.EEEEK! I AM PRAYING THAT IT ISN'T SO!! We set so many records with this recent snow I really don't want to do that again LOL!
Glad you got some walking in. I've said it before but Gosh I wish it was true! I wish we lived near one another so we could walk together and I am certain our grandkids would have fun together as well :)
Have a blessed week! LOVE YOU
What sales??? Garage sales? I hope I don't get addicted to garage sales until at least June (o:
ReplyDeleteI am waiting for hubby to get off work so we can head up to Estes....can't wait.
I wish he could walk with me...his knee is hurting to much....so I never seem to go by myself. I really need too.
Sounds like you had a nice weekend. We had lots of time with the grands this weekend (all 4 on Saturday and the 2 littles on Sunday). I can't imagine a better way to spend my weekend! ;-)
ReplyDeleteI didn't do any shopping over the weekend and am working today, so I'll be spared the temptation to buy something because it's a bargain. I don't buy anything unless I need it/could use it, but my frugal nature makes it hard to pass up really good bargains.
I love that photo taken in the Sierras.
Have a marvelous Monday!
Pretty picture Noreen~ You've inspired me to get back to some serious walking.
Noreen, what a beautiful picture. Hmmm. I would look good in a painting....
ReplyDeleteToday we went out in the country and cut and split some firewood for some friends who are expecting baby number 2 any time now. They weren't home when we delivered it and stacked it, so maybe the baby is making its arrival.
Have a blessed week......Denise
Very pretty pictures. We have a chance of snow this week so I amy end up working from home.
ReplyDeleteI love to walk and I need to do it more. I know it will help get this weight off.
Have a great week!
Blessings & Hugs
It's been a great weekend. Simple pleasures make for simple memories, and now I'm ready for a re-invigorated week.
ReplyDeleteLove the picture! They (our mostly wrong weather forecasters) are calling for snow here this week. Lovely as it is, I'm ready for tulips & daffodils.
Glad you had a good weekend.
ReplyDeleteLove the photo!