Thursday, February 25, 2010

Once again it is time to stop, count our blessings and give thanks. When a person makes this a habit, your mindset is bound to look up.
Today I am thankful for another day to love and to be loved. I am thankful for every breathe I take; each one is a gift from above. I am thankful for my beloved husband, the love of my life~his devotion, loyalty, sense of humor, artistic bents and all that makes him who is he.
I am thankful for my family, here and Rich and Sue back in California. Without them, I wouldn't be who I am today. I am thankful for 8 precious grandchildren with number nine due in April. I am thankful for the health care system here in Colorado. I am thankful for this time, this season of retirement and the ability to be more relaxed in life as well as being more available.
I am so very thankful for my dear friend Becky-the best friend a gal could have!!! Even though we've never met in person, our spirits are kindred and she gives me joy just by being who she is. I am thankful for the day we will meet. I am thankful for sisters in faith, my prayer partners and their faithfulness to me. I am thankful for their labor of love. I am thankful for my dear friends in Ca.-Cyndi and her ministry of prayer. I am thankful for all those people who bless my life continually.
I am thankful that I have a Good Shepherd, who leads me in the valley, provides for me, protects me and calls me His own.
I am thankful that no harm can befall me except that which has been filtered through His hands. We have never been promised an easy life, but I am thankful He will never leave me or forsake me.
I am thankful for computers and the ability to connect with others, some closer than family even though distance separates us.
There are so many dear ones that make my life richer~Carol, Lynn, Dineen, Lisa, Sue, Amy, Aletha, Nellie, Ella, Rose, Deb, Tiffany, Pam, Marlene, Barbara and the list goes on and on.
Today I am thankful to be alive.
Blessings to you dear friends.

For more thankful Thursday posts, please visit Iris at


  1. (((Noreen))))
    You and your precious hubby have a beautiful day!

  2. Hi Noreen,
    You have listed some wonderful things to be thankful for. I think having a grateful attitude is a wonderful way to live...when you are thankful it reminds you of your blessings...and all that God has given matter what is happening in your life. Have a lovely day!

  3. Great list sweetie!! I am thankful for prayer warriors like you!!

  4. If we would all count our blessings instead of counting what we'e lost or don't have, life would be so much better. Your blessing are indeed a gift from God. Thanks. Hugs, Marty

  5. Very nice Thankful post. It is good to write them down so we can look at them an remember what God has blessed us with (o: Who knew I would have a friend in Winsor. Thankful to be on your thankful list (o:
    Thanks for your prayers. The reception was great in spite of snow. The stomach flu hit all around the event but not during it...Thank heavens for

  6. This was such a happy, heart felt post and I can't tell you how it blessed me this morning. Yes, we are truly blessed!! Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Deb

  7. I know I sound like a broken record, but I just love reading your lists of what you are thankful for. Now, today.....I see ME on there and I gotta tell you that is humbling. I too am thankful for you and all the other wonderful bloggers who have touched my life!

  8. Sounds like you are overflowing with sweet blessings!!!

  9. I love reading your lists - I need to make one. Friends and family would be at the top. We haven't had snow yet today either, but it sure got cold fast. Thank you for the inspiration.

  10. You are precious to all of us and I am thankful that you have a heart for the LORD and your family. Beautiful...

    My love and prayers are with you. I'm thinking of you.

    Love you.

  11. And I must say that Colorado is glad you have moved here...not for the health care system, but because you bring you to our lovely state.



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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14