Thursday, January 7, 2010

Each day there are so many blessings, if we would just stop, acknowledge them and give the Lord the praise due His name. I love the idea of writing them down and this was truly my thoughts when I began this blog~someplace to journal, for my grandkids, what the Lord has done for me.
Today I am especially thankful for the gift of health for our granddaughter, Mackenzie(aka Peanut). Mackenzie was born with GERD and a sensory problem. For the first 2 years of her life she had many, many issues and was in and out of the hospital several times with very few answers on what could be done for her. Finally, through the wisdom of a close friend of mine, our daughter and son-in-law took her to see a specialist here in northern Colorado. After some very expensive tests the doctor determined the root cause of her problems and has treated her with natural supplements. This has made an incredible difference in her life; she is now a healthy two year old engaged totally in every area of life. Such a contrast from the past when she was on adult strength medications that really affected her personality. She still has some sensory issues and probably always will, but it is my miracle, a blessing from above on a family who deserved it. So I count Peanut's health as my Christmas gift and miracle. Our daughtet, is pregnant, now 6 mos., and in the past had many problems with each pregnancy. It is difficult enough with a normal pregnancy to care for three active children but when Peanut wasn't doing well it was even harder on her. This time though through some additional help with a chiropractor, she is doing well. I am so grateful for both of these answers to prayer. I am also thankful to the countless others who have faithfully prayed for our Peanut and her mom; may the Lord richly bless you for your love. I am so grateful to our Abba Father who blessed our lives with each and every grandchild and wonderful daughters and sil's. Again, the song from yesterday resonates through my mind and heart-How Great Is Our God.


  1. Morning Noreen,
    So glad to hear lil peanut is and continues to be doing so well.
    What a huge relief and blessing for all of you I am sure!
    May God continue to Bless you and the lovely family you have.
    Always enjoy your post sweet friend, you have a lovely heart
    for God! You shine girl! And I am thankful for you!
    Blessings, Nellie

  2. Noreen, you are right in saying that we should count our blessings and journal them. If we wrote down our blessings and counted them, then all that would be on our lips would be praise for our Abba Father!
    I am so glad that Peanut is an active 2 yr old and praying for blessings on your whole family.

    I count you, Noreen, as a great blessing from the Lord into my life.

  3. Good Morning, Noreen -
    I was so happy to see that Mckenzie continues to improve. I hadn't checked on her progress before we left so thanks for the update.
    Tuck it in and stay warm today!

  4. What a blessing to know that Peanut is doing so well. Our God is good. Love ya

  5. Hi Noreen
    I am rejoicing with you over all the things you are thankful for!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  6. I am sooo glad she is doing so much better.
    What a blessing that was to find that Dr.
    If the chiropractor doesn't help your pregnant daughter maybe the same Dr. as the peanut uses could help.
    I have a few wedding pictures at my place.

  7. Noreen, isn't God wonderful. He blesses us even when we aren't always counting them and thanking him as we should. I am so glad Peanut is doing well! Praise GOD!
    So much to be thankful for!
    Blessings to you. (I am thankful that I have gotten to know you!)

  8. Hi Noreen,
    I'm so glad that your daughter, and granddaughter are doing so well. Those are blessings to be thankful for! God bless.

  9. Hi Noreen, I am not sure how I missed this post...what some wonderful things to be thankful for. Your heart sounds soo much like mine as I can see your love for your precious little grandbabies. Life doesn't get much better than this does it? Blessings, Debbie


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14