Monday, June 8, 2015

A Very Special Two Year Old

Happy Monday to you! Our youngest granddaughter turned two on Friday, so what's a family to do but get together and celebrate. Miss E is such a little doll, loved by all and adores Lily and Hunter. Here are some pics from her birthday.
The four youngest enjoyed having a table to themselves. 
Presents and cards oh my.
This picture was made just for the birthday girl, from our Peanut who is 8 yrs old.

Papa and I made sure she had two dog books; she is even more passionate about the dogs than any of her siblings and that says a lot.

Such a precious child and such an incredible family!!!
We are leaving On A Jet Plane tomorrow and although we are taking a laptop, mini IPad and camera with cords, I'm just not sure how often I'll be posting.  Probably during the evening-but til we are there and see how easy or difficult it will be, it's a coin toss.  I am so excited and just received, from my brother and sister of my heart, more family info; now we can go to cemeteries and look for birthplaces.  So very fun.
Until we meet again~


  1. Happy Birthday to Miss E. How awesome that you can all gather to celebrate! Have a wonderful trip. I'll be thinking about you.

  2. CUTE! Happy Birthday Miss E. Safe Travels. Golden Woofs

  3. Happy Birfday to Miss E! Be careful and make sure you do not incur any International Roaming charges. Sounds like your bags are packed, you're ready to go, you're standing there outside our door. Oh, shoot, now mom is singing . . .

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. Happy Birthday to sweet little Miss E. We do that with the separate table too. We have moved from the little kids' sized table to a card table for the four youngest. But they are all getting old enough now to want to sit at the "big" table. Grandma and Grandad are going to have to look for one that seats 14!!!

    Have a wonderful trip. Don't worry about posting or visiting - just bring back tons of pics.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  5. Noreen, You have some little cutie pies at your house. How very precious. Please have a beautiful trip and be safe. xoxo,Susie

  6. We celebrated my niece's oldest daughter 10the birthday this weekend as well! Family birthday get together times are just so much fun.Your grands are all just adorable! Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy your trip! I'm so glad you are fulfilling a life dream, how very special! Blessings, Cindy xoxo

  7. Enjoy your trip ... if you don't get online while you're there, we'll eagerly await your report and pictures when you get back.


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"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14